
I get totally confused and irritated when my mid-20s nieces and nephews don’t get a Taxi Driver, Blues Brothers or even for fucks sake, a Big Lebowski reference. This tells me to not even bother trying with a line from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, or Casablanca or even Hamlet. IT’S FUCKING HAMLET! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT

Wow. Such a great fan that she knits during games. Gotta love how committed pens fans are. Also, I love that a) she and her husband became fans sometime in 2006 (gee I wonder what coincidentally happened in 2006) and b) she calls it The Igloo. For the 8 millionth time, penguins don’t live in igloos, you fucking hicks.

Ugh, what do you want me to say to that? I grew up in Detroit, broke as fuck and I’m still broke as fuck. I’m not trying to shit on your life experience, but seriously what do you want me to say when it’s so fucking obvious everyone who hates Obamacare doesn’t realize the ACA is the same thing? Congress may be filled

In some circles on this here Kinja, I’m considered an asshole, and in most cases probably deservedly so. But you’ve always been really cool to me and as someone who has previously struggled with depression (and occasionally still do), take care of yourself. You are a good person who never fails to say something

It’s almost like the GOP doesn’t understand the purpose of insurance. Like the concept of “hmmm, I pay into this shit when I’m young and healthy and so do a bunch of other people and then later when something goes wrong, I can get medical attention without losing my house.” I could say basically the same thing about

Their careers won’t be toast, sadly, despite passing this bill.

Because you’re a giant fucking asshole, Locomotive Jones. Zero self-awareness and zero empathy for anyone else is not a virtue, you fucking shitbag.

You just described my sister and even 20 years later, we fight like a bag full of cats inside of another, bigger bag of cats.

Dude, you’re projecting some dark shit out of what’s been said here that says way more about you than anyone else. No one even deigned to think about fucking their sister except for you, you fucking weirdo.

I grew up with 5 sisters. None of that bothered me in the slightest, still like women. What the fuck was your point?

Heh. Yeah, Lee actually had slaves. Kinda hard to be taken seriously as an abolitionist when you own slaves.

Also, Lee was a shitty general who just happened to be lucky enough to face even shittier generals until 2 years into the war when he started getting his ass handed to him regularly. It was pretty much down hill for him after Picket’s charge, which should have gone down in history as “that thing that doddering old

Pareene, who used to be cool on Wonkette and Salon, once again shits the bed. He has no right to do any kind of social or political commentary since he very much used this soap box to say he wasn’t going to vote and a few days later asked WTF happened. He’s a Bernie Bro schmuck who helped get The Great Pumpkin elected

What’s to think about? There’s nothing there. Not a fucking sport. Tell a 12 year old girl who has delayed being able to have a period so she can walk a balance beam or do the rings while some Russian yells at her, tell those literally thousands of young ladies that fucking around on a PS4 is the same fucking thing.

I got your poorly thought out point. I also made my point pretty fucking clear. You’re dumb if you don’t understand why a ton of readers are annoyed by sports content on a fucking sports website being replaced by pubescent boys watching other pubescent boys play Outlander or some shit and then other pubescent boys

And I don’t give a fuck about your outdated viewing of ESPN, or even using ESPN as a counterpoint, fucko. Nobody watches ESPN for sports anymore, like at all. FOX Sports local affiliates got the best of ESPN about 15 years ago, you jackass. Also, your leaning on ESPN to make a point when the comparison is preposterous

Right? Megatron retired because he so doped up on opioids that he found he couldn’t even function when he wasn’t high as fuck.

It’s just some weed. Does anyone who’s actually tried it give any fucks about people smoking it anymore? My own mother doesn’t even give a shit if I smoke a J when 20 years ago she thought it was the same as PCP. Hell, she actually encourages it if it’ll keep me from arguing with my sister after a 6-pack at

I’m not going to be concern trolled into saying anything kind about that clearly incompetent, possibly senile, Doritos Locos fucking moron, or anyone who voted for him. Those good old days where conservatives accused us of being mean and combative and argumentative are fucking over. If you voted for this jackass, I’m

For real. Can we get a long read on Kotaku of why Jack Morris was kind of an asshole?