
I’m not good with gifs and all that, but someone needs to get on that.

Lol, WOW.

Seriously, Tiffany was there? I honestly did not notice her in any of the photos.

Yup, that’s how O’Reily gets his bestsellers. They just hand them out.

I don’t give a fuck about your logistical problems. When I book a flight weeks in advance, it’s because I NEED TO FUCKING BE SOMEWHERE ON A CERTAIN DAY AT A CERTAIN TIME. FUCK. YOU.

I was wondering about that.

Yup. 70s and 80s slasher flicks come to mind like, The Hitcher.

People who say shit like this are basically the equivalent of antivaxers, but somehow even dumber.

Yeah, I’m sure Pence will send a strong message while his plane makes a u-turn from his planned trip to Seoul. And all while this is going down our brave leader is dodging protesters on his way to his fucking golf resort. Barf.

That is one shitty disguise.

That’s been going on for years though. One day it’s Union thugs this and Union thugs that, the next day liberals are pencil-necked pussies who are only tough behind a keyboard.

Yeah the mask looked weird to me, like it wasn’t strapped on tight enough.

This is so obvious and played out but I have to say it, They Lose Games The Right Way.

Jesus Christ.

Lol, nice copypasta, but your reading comprehension fucking sucks.

Glad he’s okay. That was seriously scary looking, and there’s no fucking way he should be back within a week.

Agreed on both points. Also, most (normal) people want to see it because they’re genuinely concerned as to weather the guy was gonna be okay. I think it’s kinda cynical to think people would want to watch that for the sole purpose of pointing and laughing.

Dude took a 95mph fastball to the face and it didn’t knock him out. He even sat up. That’s not humiliating, that’s badass.

Why is that humiliating?

That bit gets me. “I did it for the economy. We needed a change.” Really? Do you even know what that means? Like what the DOW is trading at now vs what the DOW was trading at in 2008? If your dumb restaurant isn’t making any money right now, it’s not because of the economy, it’s because your restaurant sucks.