
If you would have actually read the article and not just the title, you’d know that one had nothing to do with the other. So, you’re a moron. And apparently, a Nazi sympathizer!

Lest we forget...

“mansplaining” and “disagreeing with someone who happens to be a woman” are not even in the same zip code. Maybe don’t abuse a legitimate issue just so it’s easier to dismiss critique.

I mean, it makes sense on terms of audience awareness? Almost anyone who knows who Kamala Khan and/or Monica Rambeau are already understands that this is a sequel to Captain Marvel, whereas there are probably at least a few million people who saw Captain Marvel, but have no clue who Kamala Khan and/or Monica Rambeau

Therapy is a place where you’re supposed to be safe enough to reveal your honest feelings and impressions and thoughts not have them dragged out for the world to dissect and gossip over.

Gosh darn it, it’s not that hard - just move the universe forward a couple decades (or more), do some worldbuilding to create a new status quo with new characters, and just do a new trilogy! Stop trying to fill gaps in what already exists, stop trying to milk nostalgia, just do something new and slot in familiar

I hate to break it to you, but womanbeaters exist absolutely EVERYWHERE. Beating up women is a cherished male tradition going back thousands of years. Very likely, one of your own neighbors is a womanbeater.

Could we all not like, fall over ourselves in our hurry to get actors we don’t like fired from everything?

I think Morty is almost exact. Rick is missing some of his Umphh. Sounds a bit more calm and is missing the intensity and loudness. Kind of like the guy is not jacked up as much on energy drinks and cocaine.

I wish the Apple Device supported Virtual Displays for PC’s.

A toy which last 50 years doesn’t have to care much about the oil in it’s product. The move lego made going from plastic bags to paper has a much bigger impact.


But with ahsoka the White’s garbs


Oh Boy! Text! The dream of 80's BBSs lives on!

wheres the problem?

what a click bait article .... what Tesla is doing is totally fine with the Apple guidelines. It would be a problem if they would link from the tesla app to their own payment system, but they don’t. Also the feature of the live cam is also accessible outside of the apple world, so its not unique to the Apple devices.

I don’t understand the solution to today’s puzzle. It seems to be some version of the gambler’s fallacy (you’ve lost so many times in a row that you are “due”), bit that assumes a brand new set of probability each time you roll a die, deal a hand, or spin a wheel. That’s not the case here.

Well I stay confused because I'm not sure how the Illuminati decides Roiland gets gets gone but Ezra Miller gets a pass with unarguably more evidence of guilt. 

I’d like to live in a world where we ignore misogynists. I can only imagine it is not the majority of gamers that are upset and just a small percentage of basement dwelling cave trolls. We need to stop giving them the attention they so desperately crave