
IF is an original, big-budget Hollywood release

I was just re-watching Endgame with my kids this weekend and while I love that character and everything he did with it, they really stuck the landing with his arc. It would dramatically deflate the power of that ending to bring him back.

Basically. Or if not beloved, at least appreciated for being a halfway benevolent weirdo.

It sure does feel like Stanley, having capitalized on a new audience, would be well-served to make a similar lead-free transition.  Like people who are excited to buy Stanley cups would be excited to buy lead free ones in new colors, I bet.

It’s a beautiful sentiment, but Apple and Amazon’s “Lossless Audio” is actually compressed as well. The files they use are called ALAC or FLAC files, and they’re better quality than MP3 but are slightly larger files. When they’re played back, an algorithm returns the file to its original size to play at “full

As someone who disagrees with your assessment and feels the movie is very soulful and resonant... I still want to express my approval for you offering your opinion civilly. There’s too many folk on the net who think that disagreement should automatically equal intellectual combat, and it always heartens me to see

The issue is the OP thinks you’re supposed to take it all VERY seriously because the movie is thematically “dark” and doesn’t understand at all that it’s both visually/thematically dour while also being knowingly goofy and fun as fuck.

They point out the framing of Devil’s Night (a very real thing that happened in

Yeah no, I’m with the optimist. I rewatched the original a year or two ago and it’s very well done.

Ah, a cool guy, purposefully being obtuse and reductive. That’s on me for falling for obvious bait...

The original is almost laughably bad when watching today...

I would be fine with this if they changed the character names and just made it another story in the Crow mythos.

That was his “innie”.  Clearly him acting in Dune was his Outie. So it doesn’t count.

When would you say you lost interest in writing up the things you’re paid to write about?

Except Batgirl was actually done and was shelved just to write it off.  Not really the same thing as cancelling a production in progress.

It was honestly really really fun, Mackey, Beatriz and Arnett seem to be having a blast and I’m looking forward to season 2 a lot .Its definitely not “the last of us “ I mean its basically a show about a world where a flaming headed psychopath ice cream truck driver is a serious threat to a post apocalypse government

Not surprising.

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

The biggest issue with any Halo adaptation is that there are two key parts of the Halo world-building and universe:

You know, if I was pitching a Fallout show I think I’d much more closely cling to the plot of Fallout 1 i.e. “person from vault leaves on an important mission and finds themselves in a strange world” then straight up jump to “there are ghouls all over and the Brotherhood has spanned the U.S. and has a fleet of

It looks too.....clean. Everything looks like it’s actually maintained.