
The Crow holds up very well. I’m not some weird fan I just happened to re-watch it for the first time in decades a couple years ago and was blown away how good it still was.

For anyone who doesn’t want to read or watch, they did it using a magician’s cane and an LED strip.

You actually don’t have the slightest clue if this will be good or not. But I don’t doubt that not matter how good or bad it ends up being you’ll say you hated it.

Tidal is the way.

Lol I’m pretty sure IF is not comparable to Happy!.

No interest in seeing this whatsoever, but wow this is one nit-picky review. Why do you need to know why her dad is in the hospital?

I’d trust a Level 3-5 before I’d trust a human.

It has LiDAR though. The Teslas are camera only. And they’re crap. I’ve had my first Tesla for two weeks and its autopark almost smashed into a lamppost. I slammed on the brakes in time. The trunk wouldn’t open it was so close.

Oh yeah and fridging Rose. It was awful. I mean even if they wanted to reduce her role they could have made it so much smother and more organic. Even killing her would have been better. The whole thing was handled with the grace of Aunt Viv.

It was perfect concept to end the 9 movies. It created something actually bigger and more threatening to the galaxy than another death star. We know Palpatine messed around with cloning and resurrection it’s not farfetched beyond reason. The problem was everything from yet another desert planet, to that stupid snake,

Palpatine coming back the way he did was a good idea for ending the three trilogies. Everything else about the script was awful.

The plot of RoS wasn’t the problem.

If it uses LiDAR he’s probably not lying this time. If it’s just cameras then he’s lying.

Sounds like she is remorseful and not doubling down on her idiotic one-sided take on a very complicated 80 year conflict that way too many people her age who couldn’t point out Israel on a map seem to have right now.

Sorry I just think him liking tweets about the Great Replacement Theory and sending Tucker Carlson to fellate Putin has hurt him a lot more than overpromising on Tesla full self driving.

Normal people take a literal car salesman’s promises with a grain of salt. 

Nobody cares about that stuff.

You get it.

If he didn’t call the diver a paedo guy, then become a crypto-bro Republican troll on Twitter, then buy Twitter and become an alt-right racist. He could have easily chosen to not do these things. 

Elon Musk could have been the most loved man in the history of the world if he didn’t embrace toxic narcissism.