
Yeah, except most of this article is inncorrect. Mr. Gach doesn’t even know how C.A.M.P.s and workshops function. I doubt he has actually played it for very long. Not to say F76 is without its share of problems, but broken promises is not one of them.

Inncorrect, anyone on your team can freely build in your C.A.M.P. or workshop. Also, anyone on your team as access to locked extractors.

Yup, the adults are on PC and as such is grief free. Even when I can’t directly communicate with people (no PTT means I have voice chat off) it’s been nothing but positive experiences running into other vault dwellers.

Nukes are meant purely to create, temporary, high level zones. They are sort of like an open raid, one group launches the nuke and then anyone can head there to get endgame loot. Those Scortchbeast Queens are pretty damn impressive to fight, too.

“Players can’t build them together...”

NMS failed to deliver on pretty much every thing that Murray said it would be. Even today it lacks much of what was promised, though they added base building, which literally no one asked for and was not a selling point pre-launch.

The difference, I think, is I got what I was promised with F76. Even to this day NMS is lacking much of what was promised before launch. It may not be polished, but I challenge you to find anywhere near the broken promises of NMS.

Yeah, but the thing is I’ve had turrets that made it into stored, but my generators and water purifier disappear every time and I have to rebuild them. To be fair, with my always maxxed out Stash I usually can rebuild them. However, that sometimes leaves me lacking the one, or another, resource to repair my equipment.

Like personal campsites, they too can only be controlled by one player at a time, making it impossible for groups of people to collaborate on building up and defending the sites together for mutual benefit.”

You forget the best musical of our age. Reefer Madness the Musical!

...someone in the royal family wanted this guy gone.

Private servers are coming some day in the future. I’ve been enjoying the live game, as is, myself. I will probably be ready to start fresh with a new character by the time private, moddable servers are a thing, though.

I've found the roof tools in Sims 4 to be rather intuitive, myself. Up until 4 I was much like you, though. Flat roofs or simple A-frame if I could get away with it. I look forward to to playing with these new terrain tools. I didn't even know they were coming out, I've been so focused on F76. 

I've now played FO76 for about 11 in total across the two PC tests,so far. I can’t wait to play more this weekend, too. Put simply, this feel like Fallout and it’s a blast to play. However, the open mic with no P2T hotkey is a BIG mistake and I’m hoping they add it before launch. Right now I’ve played with voice off

BGS as already said, weeks ago, that the Atom store only sells cosmetics (new emotes, skins, icons, CAMP decor). There will not be any kind of “core” functionality hidden behind a paywall. You also receive Atoms for free by completing daily challenges and quests.

Hmm, that’s odd because I’ve always played BGS games for at least one full play through without modding, first. I’ve never had an unenjoyable non-modded experience with one, yet.

You speak for all Fallout/BGS fans, huh? I for one have enjoyed my play time with the game and eagerly await more.

There are tons of interior areas. I only played for four hours but this game is super fun! I'll be playing from 2pm till the beta events ends today, and I still see myself needing more. I do not think this game will flop, sorry to disappoint you.

You are certainly not enlightened. 

didn’t want to bother crafting a story like other Fallout fames that would have required extensive voice acting, but I’m interested if they came up with a good in-game excuse.”