
I could stomach the “ads pay for content” line if sites, like this one, didn’t have ads that make the site practically unusable. When my phone freezes up because the damn modal video ad isn’t loading and I can’t read the actual article I came for I sit back and wonder how exactly we got here.

Well, I won’t be giving them any more money for this game, but I’ll continue to play it to see how Wastelanders turns out. I’ve found the game enjoyable enough already, personally.

I don’t vape, on the street or in my home. Neither do I insist others not vape in outdoor public spaces.

I’m sorry. But, it’s the street. You are inhaling a cocktail of significantly more noxious pollutants outside on the street, why is the tiny amount of pleasantly scented vapor such a big deal?

10 minutes ago? From vapor? Assuming you’d smell anything at all, I’m sure that 1 part per billion is going to cause you some serious health concerns.

Personally, I love the season dumps all at once. I say keep it up Amazon, and please, to all streaming services, do it more often. I used to have to wait until after a whole season aired to start watching, now I don't. 

Does that developer no longer work there? That’s what everyone keeps saying, but the Battlestate's tweets from yesterday only say this in regards to this rogue employee:

It was stated in an interview by a developer of the game. Whether or not that exact opinion was the reasoning behind the decision, it remains true that the game developers have no intention of including female player models. I think it likely that some variation of that opinion is shared by enough of the team to

This is the developer who “discussed it for a very long time” but came to the decision that female character models wouldn’t be added to the game since “women can’t handle that amount of stress.”

It wasn’t in quite those words, but yes. This is that developer and game.

Maybe not at first, but he did spend nearly 20 years on a swamp planet hiding from the evil empire that murdered all of his friends and family.

Oh, the more garlic the better! When a recipe calls for a clove a garlic I chop up three or four.

The dials on my stove go Low, Medium and High...

I actually really enjoy watching people work on projects from start to finish. I wish Tested would just post hours long raw footage of Adam Savage on his lathe, dammit!

Nanjiani was not fat to begin with. He wasn’t sporting muscles but he was by no sane definition fat.

Oh. This is not going to end well...

I said the city is liberal and the police force here is generally well behaved. Not that my city is crime free, far from it. I’ve had my car broken into twice and break-ins have occurred in my neighborhood. Primarily, though, it is for the convenience of being able to “answer” the door if I can’t immediately get to it

Trump doesn’t have knowledge about anything, this should be abundantly clear by now. Even real estate. Just look at the projects he had any hand in. They were either flops and/or mired in corruption and fraud. The one thing he was ever “good” at was bing wealthy enough to leverage his last name, which is why every

Finding out that the FAA gives Boeing, and pretty much everyone else, the power to essentially police themselves is, in and of itself, the most sickening part of this whole debacle. How can we be surprised at this point that corporations will always put profits before people? 

His quote from the article makes it seem as if that may be exactly the point. He wants them to spread out and be enjoyed by as many people as possible, not just a couple very rich collectors.