How does anything in this article suggest that this is anything other than Dungeons and Dragons?
How does anything in this article suggest that this is anything other than Dungeons and Dragons?
Tone it down with the accusations, Elon Musk. No one is trying to defend pedophiles.
My Konami code was always free. That you have to pay for external software, sure. There’s dev time in that. Changing one value in your own game doesn’t cost you a dime. And certainly not 1/7th of the entire price of said game, payable by all your users. There’s zero excuses for this, its pure evil money grubbing and…
So why do folks need to pay to play a game less. Fuck right off with that. This is a cheat code. It could just as well be free. It used to be.
The sad thing is, we all know this is the easiest thing in the world to make free and a tickable option in the options menu. Whats even sadder is I will undoubtably get kickback for even attempting to call out needless, senseless microtransactions.
Paying their devs their full bonuses even though they know they are not likely to reach their goals for one. The lack of layoff’s. Their work on supporting their games. The refusal of anti consumer anti piracy measures like denuvo. The fact that they are owning this issue and firmly placing it on their management as…
In my opinion No Man’s Sky was a bigger release disaster than Cyberpunk but I held onto it and it turned out alright. As a fan of the Witcher I’m pretty confident Cyberpunk is going to come around as well. But then I also bought the PC version.
Thank you for saying this! It’s super important — folks in the US often don’t understand just how shitty their situations are by comparison to the rest of the developed world.
Just look at healthcare. :/
Step 1: Accuse me of not understanding what you wrote.
And the misogyny comes out again
Then you’re a dumbass.
That’s a lot of takeaway from a single, pretty throwaway line.
Cool with me. I’ll stick to Android.
Well... the whole point here is that they’re banning dissenting voices.
Okay, so you agree, they have criminalized and cracked down on whistleblowing to cover their ass because of the massive quantity of war crimes they commit. All the more reason to undermine U.S. Army recruitment, don’t you think?
And in reality, if you don’t do what you’re told, you will be shit upon from great height. Look what they did to Chelsea Manning for exposing U.S. war crimes.
is it appropriate to antagonize people that served our country?
The difference is that TV commercials don’t have live comments.
It’s one of the most common objections I hear to the cooperative model. Which is funny, because if everyone has a vote, and everyone feels that there should be a single lead or director to hold the vision for one aspect of a project...then as a group they can elect to make that happen. People confuse actual democracy…