I am a Disney fan, I grew up with their movies and going to Disney World. However, Disney feels it shouldn’t have to give back to the very institution it built its entire empire on. I find that morally bankrupt, at best.
I have a case on my iPad, but I never put cases on my phones. Only one phone ever got cracked and that was the glass back of my Nexus 4.
I’m pretty sure K is dead and staying that way. If they do make a sequel—based on the box office numbers that could be shelved—it would completely nullify K’s entire arc in this film if he comes back.
...all official texts relating to it say that Satan was evil and had no redeeming qualities.
Pretty sure I played with a mod that did this and more several years ago. How about some word on the next installment of the franchise, Bethesda? (I know its still a bit too early, but I can dream, dammit!)
Sure, but they have no one but themselves to blame when people, who might, otherwise, be paying customers, turn to emulators and piracy to play their content.
Ah, the greedy corporation apologist! You hear that consumers? We shouldn’t complain about anti-consumer practices. We just need to shut up and shovel more money into Sony’s gapping maw.
Technically correct (the best kind,) however legally Musk is considered a “founder” along with two other VCs and the two original, actual founders. I only mention this because I only just learned about the legal battle, that was eventually settled out of court, over this issue thanks to your comment. Quite…
He said an attack was inevitable, not that North Korea would be making the first strike.
If you did your job right day after day and you were continuously called a “Racist Pig”you’d finely get fed up and say “Fuck it!”
I made a fantastic Crossbow Expert fighter with a 10 in Strength. It takes a few levels before it starts to shine, but that was by far my favorite Fighter, ever.
Still doesn’t sound worth it to reinstall. Everything about NMS still just makes me want to install Elite: Dangerous, again. Maybe someday this over priced EA title will actually be worth playing again.
That you thought any collectors edition crap actually had value in the first place is laughable.
That you thought any collectors edition crap actually had value in the first place is laughable.
Oh, wow. Her version of Baba Yaga’s hut is amazing! I’m absolutely stealing these for the next time I run Curse of Strahd (It has a Baba Yaga-like character called-wait for it-Baba Lysaga.). So much better than the hut in the book.
See, this person gets it! The real dangers of owning an EV. Thank you for your diligence and critical thinking.
While I support their message, I would still go to another cafe... if I went to cafes at all, anyway.
I mean, if you can maintain sound $800k in the bank consistently, maybe you are not “rich,” but you sure as hell are more than “just making it” by any logical, reasonable standard. Anyone with the perspective that nearly a million dollars in the bank is just squeaking by is, in my humble opinion, a complete jackass,…
I’m not sure about California, but here in Florida property taxes are public records. Anyone can look up their property on the county tax assessor website and know what they owe. And, to think anyone is so stupid as to not know you owe property taxes on owned property is ridiculous. Not receiving a bill in the mail is…