Tell me that I am wrong when I tell my niece and nephew to assume that the white person they are dealing with is racist and to protect themselves accordingly until its proved otherwise.
Tell me that I am wrong when I tell my niece and nephew to assume that the white person they are dealing with is racist and to protect themselves accordingly until its proved otherwise.
I only read about half the article. I can, without any doubt, sum up the whole answer in one word. Greed.
If this is the real scoop from those leaks I read about, none of it is shocking. I’d already assumed most of that to be what would happen. If that is really what’s coming up, though, please tell me more. I want it all, now!
...cake is better. And easier to eat.
Due to the seriousness, and number, of crimes these litte shits pulled on their crime spree I have a feeling they will be tried as adults. I hope, anyway.
Joe never stopped, or said he would stop, making content, though. He said he was taking a 2 month break from Angry Game Reviews. However, he still has his GoT reviews going on, movie reviews, and let’s plays. There is plenty of content, but some of his newer fans, or simply asshole trolls, think he has been making…
Congress is also considering a bipartisan anti-BDS bill, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which would expand existing laws to ban Americans from supporting boycotts...
Maybe it’s because I didn’t watch the interview, but this picture looks awfully patronizing. Maybe you are right, but from the picture alone I’d assume Fallon was mocking President Shitwagon.
Speaking as a Floridian, while you are completely correct. We still have a lot of dumb, ignorant assholes around here. Now that’s probably true everywhere. We did, however, manage to elect Voldemort as governor. (Honestly, though, ol’ Tom Riddle wishes he was Scott’s level of evil.) Simply too many stupid people, here.
Reviews are a persons opinion of a game. If that opinion changes they have every right to change their reviews. In my opinion people are using Steams’ review system as intended.
The first article I read about this stated that OpenIV could be used to make online exploits. However, what everyone has been saying is that it was designed for singleplayer mod making and other available tools were more suited to multiplayer hacks than OpenIV was.
Well, as ME3 was only 20% playable, at best, I’d say Andromeda was well ahead of the curve.
Andromeda was leagues better than ME3, in my opinion.
It was 100% playable and still a great game. It was wholly undeserving of the backlash brought against it by the community.
Or, we could maybe be human beings and not beat that crap out of, or shoot, someone just—Oh fuck it, I’m just spitting into the wind, huh?
How about, “start,” “begin” or “go?”
Just give it another 40 years or so and the re-enactments will begin, I’ve no doubt.
Considering the costs associated with some of these aimbots and other programs, I’m thinking these individuals aren’t all unemployed. Most likely many of them are making more money than is reasonable.
Just as a side note, Dictionaries are not rule books. They are guidebooks. There is a key distinction being made there. Lexicographers do not dictate the meaning of words. Speakers of a language do. Lexicographers merely compile the guidebook based on how people speak. Remember that word definition nazis.
Oh, come on. That attack was on at least a 10th grade reading level!