
Yeah, but my point is who cares what “Deadspin people” want? It’s all sports, whether they agree or not.

Thanks to my dad, who saw Mr Lincoln at the Worlds Fair in 1964, I grew up loving the Hall of Presidents. I go to it every time I’m in Magic Kingdom. I say this, now, though, I will never go to the attraction again if Trump-bot gets a speech. The attraction will be officially dead to me.

If curling is a sport then DOTA, and other eSports games, absolutely are, too.

I never called my parents while tripping, but if I did the only response I’d get would be, “why the hell are you wasting your trip calling us?!”

Slight correction: The American Health Care Act screws people over in the name of tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s the American way!

“so the mentality of shoot first, ask questions later? Fair enough.”

It’s really too bad people are starring your idiotic, ignorant take.

Maybe make your own decisions and opinions?

No more flying around the whole station 3 times before finding the damn bay door. That’s amazing! Might have to get out the ol’ HOTAS, then.

Bethesda Softworks is the publisher of Prey. Bethesda Game Studio is the in house studio of Publisher Bethesda Softworks, and the umbrella is Zenimax Media. Zenimax was started by Bethesda Softworks founder Christopher Weaver, it really is just a shell for Bethesda Softworks.

Maybe. I feel you are giving her an awfully huge benefit of the doubt, here. Based on her words in the link you provided I’d, personally, be more inclined to side with Ryan’s interpretation.

Our current level 5 tech? Level 5 is all robots, all roads, no Human drivers. We are no where near that in any part of the world. So even in that context she appears to not have a clue. Nothing misleading or unreported, here.

Gosh, all I care about is recognition and money, so obviously everyone also feels that way! It’s not like some people could actually care more about creating something as a homage to something they love and want to share it, free, with others. Obviously no one thinks that way, because I don’t! It’s great being me,

I feel it is important for people to realize that this barbaric practice, the death penalty as whole, is “cruel and unusual punishment” which is expressly forbidden by the US Constitution.

Revenge and state sanctioned murder is not the answer. If you think killing another person for the satisfaction of others makes any difference in the world, you, clearly, have not been paying attention.

Perhaps someday the US will join the rest of the civilized world and stop the barbaric act of state sanctioned murder. Of course, we can’t even have single payer medicine, so I’m not holding out much hope, though.

It rests nearly entirely on...

They can hold hundred’s and fifty’s of pounds of shits! I clearly need these in my life.

They can hold hundred’s and fifty’s of pounds of shits! I clearly need these in my life.

Well to be fair she focused on a released game, not one that might be released a day after never.

Yeah, I’m playing on PC, and while my system isn’t high-end I’m running the game at maxed out settings and the initial load from save is less than 10 seconds every time. (Except for the first time after this newest patch due to the new shaders, it seems)