This. This is exactly what I’m asking for and the whole point I was trying to make.
This. This is exactly what I’m asking for and the whole point I was trying to make.
This is what I’m saying, it does not take 20-30 seconds for the area to load, it is demonstrably less than that, as the initial loading screen when you load up the save takes me all of about 5, less than 10, seconds. If you are saying it takes less time to load an area from the save vs when it is loaded from a take…
I don’t think they are hiding anything. My point is that the cutscenes are too long and you can’t skip them once loading is complete. They were really nice scenes the first time, after the 10th it’s just really annoying and unnecessary.
The initial load screen when I continue takes all of 5 seconds. I really doubt it takes much longer than that to load the areas afterward, so I should be able to skip the rest of the scene once loading is done. That is the only complaint I have.
I wouldn’t have a problem with the take off/landing cutscenes if I could skip them once the loading is done. Based on the other loading screens in the game, there is no way it takes that long to load to load the areas, not to mention there is a short loading screen before the cutscenes every time. So is the game…
(did not intend to post, ignore this.)
Unfortunately we live in a society that favors the rich. While a fan game might actually be deemed to not infringe on Nintendo’s IP ownership, they have large sums of money to mount a legal case. Those “meek, man-children” are most likely working individuals who do not have the time or money to fight a legal battle…
So, as I expected, you have anecdotal and circumstantial evidence that does not prove that streaming is directly involved in horrifically damaging the industry. I agree that piracy has done damage to the industry. I can even accept, though I have no proof or evidence, that sites like G2A cause problems and probably…
They could, and I assume those with the resources do. The problem here is that this event is kept partially secret using misinformation so only the ring leaders know when it’ll kick off. Then, add to that I doubt any single freighter pilot or corp is going to have an escort capable of dealing with hundreds of ships…
I don’t derive any enjoyment from watching others play games, so I don’t watch game streamers. Having said that, I’d love to see the evidence you have regarding the “horrific” damage caused by streamers. A note, though, anecdotes and opinions from developers and publishers is not evidence. Empirical, verified data…
And, play it with a HOTAS. I took my brother’s advice and got one to play it. Hands down the only way I can play it now. The only thing I’m missing is a Vive, which I’m getting this summer, most likely. I’ll probably never leave my computer at that point.
While I completely understand where you’re coming from, I don’t feel as if a distinction is necessary. I decided to look up the origin of the word, just for the fun of it. As I figured it’s Greek; specifically, it comes from the Greek root athlon which means prize. So an Athlete—at least as far as it’s origin is…
Words evolve and change based on how people who speak a language use them. Athlete has become an accepted word to use for someone who competes in eSports. Just because lexicographers haven’t updated the definition yet does not mean the use of the word for eSports competitors is inappropriate. A reminder: dictionaries…
The friends I’ve spoken to on this subject we are of the same mind as myself. So no, I think you are completely wrong.
I’m not Jewish, but my dad and half my family is. If I were friends with someone who did what Kjellberg did, I would no longer be friends with that person. I don’t think he is anti-Semitic, but he absolutely crossed the line and the jokes in question were distinctly, and objectively, unfunny.
I think you have completely missed the point of the feminist movement.
Yeah, I just bought the MSI 1070 Gaming X 8G(Christ what a name), it was $430. Worth every penny, though.
I’ve used G2A a handful of times, 6 in total, when I want to buy a game but no sale was going on. I’ve never paid for the G2A shield crap and never had a problem with the keys working. Is this anecdotal? Absolutely. Do I think G2A deserves all this hate? No.
Really cool, but no way would I ever spend money on this.