
It’s $1900.  Beggars can’t be choosers.  

Ah yes, the official SUV of Mexican maids across the midwest U.S.A.

Reliable Honda engine, 300Hp and have you seen one of these on the road?  It looks GREAT.  Has lots of road presence.  They still look good today, NP all day long as long as you don’t need to use the back seats too much for giants.  

$55K for a piece of shit with a LS7? lol cmon.

drifters do it sideways.  

You tried too hard with this comment.   *cringe*

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha FUCK Greenbay, I hope their mouth breathing fans choke on tears reading this shit. Rodgers will retire as the most talented QB that never won more than 1. Petty little bitch. And McCarthy the fat fucking ham representative of how every man woman looks in that entire piece of shit

Boxster is the car for the gay hairdresser, or chubby secretary who is still single at 38 because she focused on her career, yet is only still a secretary.

Nah, he didn’t say he was into the cuckold lifestyle.  

If Miatas are for cucks, then these are for downs syndrome cucks.  

Hell yeah dude!  R129 all the way!   Z4s are for CUCKs.  

This is a pretty good answer.  You might even find a C6 in there if you look hard enough and get lucky.  

Buy it right now, or I will.  That thing is gorgeous.  Swap in a 4B rotary and LS and booom, fucking gorgeous monster.  

Ignoring the spic speakers, it’s a pretty fucking clean body car.


Yeah that maybe, but depending on how that photo got leaked, and how the student was able to receive it, a teacher can’t have that content made readily available in school. 

A shut up neck beard white knight loser lol. Women reading your comment aren’t gonna fuck you bc of you showing how sympathetic you are LOL. We just want to see some titties, and she already got fired for them and is about to be very rich for it, on grounds of a solid case. Shove your fake outrage u your big fat loser

It’ really not that big of a deal to go into lower gears.  Follow the fucking rules, or don’t bitch about me driving extremely close to you while i fucking WOT blast past you going double the speed limit to show my disdain for your lack of courtesy.  

Cyclist are the entitled cunts in my city, not the drivers.  Drivers just ignore them and drive around them.  Like Road kill.  Cyclists are like roadkill, you don’t want blood on your tires but if you have to pick that or running head on into a semi, i’m killing the human road kill.  

Not as awful as your choice in actors, I fear.