
Oh you’re one of those idiots.  

I see there is no arguing with you since you are mentally retarded.

Riigght so NASA isn’t infused in the U.S miliatry and Air Force and HAVE NEVER helped them or collaborated with them on things like developing spy air craft and setting up military satellites. It would be sooooo outlandish they had nothing to do with shooting down a satellite in low orbit.

Wrong. It was NASA, as any U.S Military action in high or low orbit atmosphere had to have massive NASA help in order to accomplish. It was NASA, and you absolutely can shoot down a satellite. It gets destroyed into fragments and those pieces fall down to eatch in low orbit, the high orbit ones get pushed further into

I saw a pre-production release, Captain America dies, trades his life for Tony’s out of the guilt for not telling him about WS killing his parents. Everyone lives, except Gamora. Avengers access the soul stone to enter a realm where you’re not alive or dead and Gamora kills Thano’s soul rendering his physical body

Lol also failed to mention NASA has shot down it’s own low orbit satellites before. The debris returns to earth, and is pretty much destroyed into particles burnt up re-entering the atmosphere.

Biggest joke, your mother telling you she didn’t swallow you as a April fools day prank on your dad, ya bastard.  

I like Fallon, but dude’s act of being excited, happy, laughing, shocked is so in-genuine and comical, that it might actually be genuine every time he does it on his show. He’s the hardest guy in the world to like and dislike, at the same time.

You going to jump from a $40K car to a $100K car?

Nice G35/G37 coupe rip off you got there.  

I’m sure it will look amazing like all Alfas, but it’s still going to spend 40% of it’s early life in the shop for various fixes.  That was without E boost, or hybrid tech married to that already not so reliable powertrain.  Jesus, I would HATE to see what this thing’s ownership experience is like when it’s not

You’re underestimate the pettiness and power of people in this income bracket. A minor inconvenience is enough to take our the lawyer card. Also this is pretty good grounds for car theft, if the owner can prove it was used for concerts while in the dealers possession, which he already has.  Easy.  

Meh, still much better than the salt caked on there prior to washing.  Also all my cars are newish, with no signs of rust so I’m not anal about preventing rust, never had issues.  

I never said both aren’t wrong. You were downplaying 100K car being misused by a high end dealership as “ahh so what get over it lol” type of way. Which is a moronic outlook. And as for the price of cars, no it doesn’t matter, but I wouldexpect this type of shitty dealer behavior from a VW dealer selling 30K cars

Same here, and they really look no different than any other wired/wireless headphones.   Apple haters I guess?  Idk.   

lmao what?  Don’t like sweat?  How much are you dripping sweat out of your ears into these things?  I do about ~40min of cardio every workout session after lifting, and I sweat more than most people and I’ve had zero problems with the air pods or water/sweat getting in them.   Clean them once a week with disinfectant

Lol, anywhere with enough salt to cake your underside in winter is going to be too damn cold to use a garden hose and rinse off your car outside due to everything being frozen solid anyways. Pay the $10 and take it to a touchless wash that has underside spray once a week or two weeks.

It’s always these dealers of ordinary appliance brands that do these shady things, probably because they see customers who come in and think their low buying capacity makes them more desperate for a vehicle or lack of knowledge makes it ok to bullshit.   

Poor and stupid will always be poor and stupid, the republican goldmine way.  Rob your people and convince them the other party is doing it.  

Yes it will.  Line up against a new V6 camry and drag race it with this new GLI and watch it run away from the Toyota.