
He’d be more at home in the racist, homophobic, garbage pile dump of a city and fan base known as the Philadelphia Eagles.

I don’t understand how he is racist??  Nothing he has said is racist.  He’s stating his opinions, which you don’t like, so he’s a racist?   Not a fan of his, I think he’s a piece of shit, but he’s not racist.  

Possibly because the violent nature of football attracts a sort of more primitive, hard headed fan base.  I say that as someone who loves watching football.  

Lol, can’t wait to watch this clown blow out his ACL.  

Sucks to be blind I guess.  

She isn’t going to get reelected period.  Just like that moron AOC.  

Yeah nobody cares faggot.  State the obvious.  Real life Torque is power.  

Nice sedan!

Jokes on you, Trebek is your mom.  

It’s gonna be really hard for her to give BJs on her knees now.  

Ok that explorer screen is just plain bad. At least lay it sideways why the fuck do you want a tall ass ipad sticking out of your dash reducing visibility over the front?

Lol these cars are taxis for a reason.  They’re trash.   Driving one is punishment.  

How do you expect a writer on a car website, for car geeks, like jalopnik to be able to tell the difference?   Ohhh yeah thats right.  

Anyone who thinks crown vics are fun to drive, needs to immediately kill themselves.

lol so he can spend more time fixing it instead of driving it?  

Lol yeah so many poors trying to stunt with 10K-15K AMGs that are near death.  When that air suspension peaces out, you’re gonna have a real bad time.  

yea but what if you’re not a flaming homo?   Fist are for people who like to get fisted by their lovers.  Cute, gay pos slow turd car bro.  Aspiring secretary.  

Fitting, because the C6 Z is a piece of shit along with that ugly type R.  

You lost your virginity before kindergarten?  Wtf.

Oh shit now I’m the idiot.