
As a species, we’re certainly not facing extinction - at least not at mother nature’s hands. Sure, millions will die. Probably billions! Humans are remarkably adaptable. Hell, we flourished during the last ice age, spreading around the whole globe. Some people - read, rich - will be fine virtually no matter what

yea, very weird to keep reading about microplastics coming from traditionally 100% cotton clothing.

They found that 65% of them had microfibers in them—up to 63 fibers per fish. But strangely, even though nearby sediment had lots of denim fibers, only a single fiber found in a single fish was made of indigo-dyed denim.

BTW, big ups for the Golden Knights’ front office for not backing down and being cowed by the cops. When you show them that you’ve lost your fear of them, their ability to control you diminishes.

All that military gear that was given to local PDs seems to have been wasted if all it takes is a little tweet to wound them so.

“It appears, to my law enforcement brothers and sisters, that the Golden Knights would rather jump on the bandwagon of attacking the police profession rather than waiting for the facts of the event to be brought to light,” wrote Grammas

The team only stated that they were against racial injustices and supported racial equality and activism. They didn’t accuse the police of racism or even mention Kenosha, Wis.

The biggest question lingering in the back of my mind as a longtime player of CK2 (and owner of 10 out of the 15 full-size DLC expansions for it) was “is CK3 going to suffer from the same problem that afflicts The Sims and end up feeling like all the features I paid good money for, I’m going to end up having to pay

It will be time to stop calling them “Big Oil” when they are no longer raping and poisoning the planet, receiving federal subsidies, and spending hundreds of millions of dollars to keep politicians letting them do it, and not a second before.

I strongly believe that colleges have no business in sports, at least in the multi-billion dollar way of the current system. At the same time I realize that for a lot of people, those scholarships are the best opportunity to get a college education, and it’s not my place to try to take that away. The long term goal

I’m pretty impressed with how much better the NBA handles players protests, and BLM support, than the NFL. I mean, can you imagine if instead of fucking Kaepernick’s shit up, the NFL had a competent commissioner who just said “We support his right to protest in whatever manner he feels comfortable and appropriate”?? I

The NBA has responded by postponing Bucks/Magic, Rockets/Thunder, and Blazers/Lakers.

This is people and allies using their privileged positions to enact pressure on governors, mayors, and other people in power/authority to push back against the evil shit going on.

Good for them. When *all* the workers don’t show up it’s the owner who suffers.

Jesus Christ, just look at this fucking piece of shit.

This guy is now known to police to be dangerous and once committed a crime with a gun, so I expect that when police catch up with him, he will be shot on sight multiple times at point blank range, after having his door bashed in if they find him at home. COMPLY OR DIE, right?

It’s an internet meme for stocks, particularly when playing the ‘game’ poorly.

You see those businesses as failing. I see a group of executives who were granted multi billion dollar credit lines that they got to abandon after making boat loads of money. Fail to pay your mortgage and you’re an uneducated consumer, fail to pay your companies debts and you’re a millionaire. 

Maybe its just been renamed, have you checked for a movie just called 'A' ,