
So basically, if they come up with something completely different and cool (which a good PR firm should be able to do) all of those are useless. I don’t know who to laugh at more, the realtor or the team for not doing this first.

Animorphs stands as the best in Young Adult fiction. 

Please do not watch anything from the Lincoln Project. The last thing we need to do is give page views to a bunch of neo-cons.

Go listen to the Rewatchables podcast episode on Inception. Someone opens it with the question, “Can we all agree that Christopher Nolan is overrated as a director, has only made one or two good movies, and this isn’t one?”

Benioff and Weiss, the white guys that messed up Game of Thrones when they ran out of original book material to rip, got to run a show with little to no experience but deep family connections at HBO. That's the game in a nutshell.

Consumers like opiates, too. However when consumer demands for a product have negative effects on society we have set a precedent for restricting access to that product.

You got so close, but missed the actual point you should have made. There are millions of people who have perfectly healthy tapwater, and still buy and drink single use bottled water.

I’m getting the feeling a bit of “Anyone who was in Twilight must suck” is involved.

Now playing

My favorite good in a movie, that actually and oddly made the final cut, is him calling Bruce Willis by his real name, and Bruce calmly correcting him, all kept in the movie for some reason.

Take your slippery slope argument and slide it right up your ass.  

You can’t argue that pop culture doesn’t influence actual culture in a country with a reality TV star as the president.  

Isn’t the answer that the good police officers work from within the system to bring about systemic change and root out corruption?

And the existence of a museum...

Yeah it’s a weird stretch especially considering that the Spanish Hapsburgs controlled the Spanish Netherlands and were not Moors either. So like???

Wait... the Moors never controlled the Spanish Netherlands (which is now mostly Belgium and the Netherlands), they controlled the Iberian peninsula. His father’s name wasn’t Johann Van, it was Johann van Beethoven. His father was half Belgian (Flemish to be exact) as indicated by the Dutch “van” instead of German

I’m gonna need some more resources than an outlet that I’ve never heard of and won’t even load, and a student newspaper at that. This is best left to historians and not random people on twitter. The fact that the Moors and other peoples ruled Iberia isn’t new, but by the time they controlled the Netherlands, the

I actually hadn’t heard the theory about Beethoven being black, but to add to what you wrote, the story with George Bridgetower is a pretty funny one.

Besides featured op-ed from a Concordia University independent student newspaper (probably the medium with the least oversight in existence) It’s mostly drawing on an article by Limelight Magazine, which tops Google search results with the following blurb: