
Got a greater idea. Improve and expand the train service. People in Queens shouldn’t have to use cars or wait forever for crowded buses. 

How far inland exactly do you think the sea levels are going to rise?

Yes, truly if I enjoyed this movie more, we’d get this climate change situation under control! Now, does that happen if I bump it up to a B-, or do I need to go at least B+ level?

There is a long and hideous history of nazi punk bands. Not just punks flirting with nazi imagery to be edgy. Actual fascists. See Skrewdriver. White Boss, Dentiste and half the hardcore bands from Huntingdon Beach in the early 80s for reference

They are disingenuous liars.

This sounds...tedious.

I believe it is available to stream on Disney Plus. 

warm...and mandatory

This is the most exciting thing I’ve seen him star in since Coupon: The Movie!

As long as we get a patented Odenkirk Mr.Show-era “God DAMN IT!” somewhere in there, I’m happy.

Mr Death Wish with Bob and David

“It’s a semi-comedic take on the Death Wish/TakenEqualizer ‘older guy kicks ass’ formula.”

No, that was Lord of the Cock Rings, The Two Titties, and Return of the Kink.

This guy gets it.

Business school professors...publishing a paper that says we need to do carbon capture...

I mean, she’s 37, dude. It’s all a perception.

Hey, you have a mistake in one of your paragraphs. It says “The flirtatious vibe of this initial encounter quickly leads to a full-blown affair” And what it should say is “She starts to rape him.”

Because thats a myth, population growth is slowing all over the world even in the poorest countries.

Rather than watch David Lynch’s Dune (which I love, but will stipulate it’s very much a “so bad it’s good” thing), you could maybe read the book.