
Whyyyyy must everything be a slide show?

That’s virtually all of metal.

Never thought I’d see Encyclopaedia Metallum namedropped on Gizmodo.

He dyes it an unnaturally dark color that makes it look like he stole it from a teenage boy.

Just give us new shit, please. Pretending we’re children again isn’t going to make us any happier.


Leif Erikson WAS a Christian.

I’m pulling for the Knights to win their first cup!

Wow! Gun murders even more justified! Great work!

Wow! Gun murders justified!

Fascist vigilantism. I’m reminded of the street battles in Weimar Germany instigated by various antecedent Nazi parties.

This is completely badass. I heard about itwhile I was watching the Flyers-Islanders game in the SC playoffs and the announcers took the overtime intermission to discuss it.

The Romans (who in the Bible fill the role of carrying out Jesus’s execution and generally kicking the Hebrews around) were probably mostly what we would consider “white” in modern times, but that’s hardly something to be proud of.

Palestine is located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe. A Jesus that looks like the average appearance of all humans sounds poignant.

Probably not

Sun Tzu didn’t say that.

I read more than half of them, but all out of order, thankfully most were standalone stories.

I was also a fan of the Visser book, which protrayed the initial Yeerk invasion of Earth, full of delightful alien observations about human behaviors and an excellent anti-villain.

A very large number of state flags have text, it’s tacky as hell. A result of design-by-committee.