
I really enjoyed this episode, though I did not expect to. The section of the book that deals with the near aftermath of the hanging is a really tough read so I’m glad that we skipped the first three months.

Contrarian as opposed to who? The Last Jedi had a 91% RT rating.

Except it wasn’t a mess from start to finish. It has issues, but it’s a good film overall.

Artificial reefs.

First Gizmodo article about Animal Crossing “The zero interest loan in this children’s game is too stressful”

No one really changes or has any meaningful catharses.

I can not with some of you. Dr. Anthony Fauci is not a doctor for this administration.  He works in a federal agency; he’s been director there since 1984.  He is not a “Trump doctor” or whatever bullshit you’re trying to paint him as.

Holy shit. I didn’t realize he was 79. He looks fucking incredible. Yes silver fox

Well, Dr. Fauci was quite handsome as a young man, and is now a silver fox.

Full disclosure: I know Greg Jaczko professionally. He’s a smart, passionate guy, but he’s a theoretical physicist, not a nuclear engineer, and his experience with nuclear is mainly in public policy. So as someone with actual working experience in nuclear, I tend to take his opinions with a grain of salt.

It seems plausible as some have remarked here, that the organization will probably have to wait for an outside authority to cancel SDCC in order to collect insurance, but aside from that, it seems impossible to imagine that the studios and networks that are typically expected to make appearances at ComicCon would

That’s fine. But you specifically advised her to read the books. Which shouldn’t be necessary.  Look, sometimes these reviews make me crazy when she gets facts wrong and misses the point.  The solution to that isn’t reading the books, it’s paying more attention to the show.  

No one should have to read the books to understand what’s happening on the show.  If that is the case, that’s on the showrunners and not the viewer.

Other than Murtagh’s death, this is honestly the other heartwrenching thing that happened in this masterful episode, Claire’s penicillin needle being smashed into bits.

Good luck. They held them during the Spanish Flu pandemic and even into WWII still for some reason hoped the Helsinki Games could happen until the Winter War happened.

They waited until after they made their huge profit off all the 1 dollar pre-orders for Doom and Animal Crossing.  There was nothing good about this whatsoever.  

That’s not a conclusion. A conclusion would be closing the stores entirely. There’s no valid reason for them remaining open. There’s nothing “essential” about Gamestop.


Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away??? 

The escaped bioweapon story was an internet rumor, not a scientific hypothesis.