
But for reasons scientists don’t understand, about 20 percent of people get severely ill.

Elections are run by states, Trump has no power over them. Besides that, if there is no election, his term expires in January, along with every member of the House and a good chunk of GOP senators. We have Dem governors in enough states to put the GOP in the minority, and based on the line of succession, and assuming


Are you really sure you’re ok with ... postponing elections due to coronavirus?

I have yet to come across a Bernie Bro in person, nor really online. Although, I do think the appeal of Bernie (and sadly 45) to a lot of young, white males, were their more radical agendas. Neither were that right or left of center same-old candidate. Which is why some Bernie people voted for 45.

I can’t tell if you’re really this myopic or if you’re just being disingenuous. In what world would a national politician’s audience in a minority majority city look like the city? You do understand the concept of people being a minority, right? While black people make up 80% of the city, we’re only 22% of the metro

I guess I don’t see how a Biden vote actually pushes things leftwards in any way. A Biden vote doesn’t fight capitalism or corporatism, doesn’t fight imperialism, doesn’t move us forward on fighting climate change, doesn’t fight structural oppressions in this country or around the world. The man has barely made a

Knock yourself out! Voting for Biden, considering the scale of the problems facing us, is also voting for making the world a worse place. 

No, my attitude is “either is an enemy, and either will have to be fought accordingly.”

Do you think spring breakers get to vote in a State’s election because they happen to be there?

This is a very bad take.

He’s not. But Biden offers nothing positive in comparison. The thing he hinges his campaign on — a return to “normalcy” — is exactly what enabled a Trump presidency in the first place. Normalcy didn’t work before and promising its restoration is a million times more unlikely than the most “radical” plan offered up by

It’s mindboggling to me that anyone’s response to this moment would be to recreate the conditions that led us here, which is what Biden is literally campaigning on. He’s been on the wrong side of almost every single issue of the modern era, and displays nothing but contempt for the problems of oppressed and working

You can tell half of these commenters were all "B-b-b-but...!" before they finished the first paragraph

Is this what you want to do?  Dare Sanders supporters to stay home to show their electoral clout?

Good piece. It’s a particularly sinister narrative that the candidate with the most diverse base of support is framed as a stand-in for the white male vote, but that’s the way this was always going to go.

me too!!! :-)))

The primaries would still go on if Bernie dropped out.  The presidential nomination is not the only thing on the ballot.

Thanks for writing this Ashley - I am a brown woman for Bernie, and I feel seen.

Thank you for articulating all this erasure and spin. You outlined my frustration, and that of many, many others. When I went to the LA Sanders rally, I saw every kind of American in attendance. For exactly the reasons you address. I hope this article gets the attention it deserves! Heck yeah, I want a revolution.