
also to be clear, i am not anti suit. i own several suits. nice ones (i think). even like three skinny-ish suits from suitsupply. which give me trouble because of my thighs, but the look is worth the pain.

i’m just anti-coordinating an effort to coordinate suits to “change a narrative” that can’t be changed by your

It’s an ahistorical retelling of the history of the Civil War. The book is framed along the actual timeline of the war told from the southern point of view, with the Yankees as the bad guys. The central story is a romance/bildungsroman of a young woman of means who has to grow and mature beyond what she has been

Bro I don’t think that’s what Orwell meant when he wrote that.

Why does Ross, the whitest friend, not simply eat the other five?

I don’t, actually! Only seen a few episodes. Not my fandom. You got me.

They make you look like a fussy little shit. They make you look like a college professor with a history of sexual assault. They look like a gaily-painted medieval torture device. They make your head look like a dressed Christmas ham.

Tucker came back stronger than ever - but to be fair, he absolutely ditched the bow tie. Sometimes I think it might be the one thing liberal media’s ever accomplished, shaming a fascist baked ham into taking off his fancy ribbons.

We know things aren’t normal right now and you’re probably not thinking about us but we are thinking about YOU and reminding you to please continue to give us money whenever you are allowed to by the federal and or state governments. We hope you your family are staying safe, and remember we are all in this together!

Is it because of the COVID-19 pandemic? It’s probably because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s hard to tell because of the trite, tired, stupid euphemisms, but it’s probably due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

We get it. You don’t like philosophy. You only have to say it once.

So are Bigfoot hunters.

Archeology, anthropology sociology and psychology in general (among others) are all considered soft science. And History isn’t even a science. None of them are junk built on pure speculation.

There are multiple issues with Kinja as a commenting platform but one is that I can’t tell it to ignore comments from troll users. So trolls can come to earnest and good articles with bad faith arguments, throw those arguments everywhere, and then engage in further trolling with the commenters (or staff, in this

Evolutionary Psychology is why we need to teach the philosophy of science in schools. Then more people would see it as bad pop science.

You’ve obviously made no effort to understand anything about the subject.

This has been a thorn in my side for a long time now - my wife rolls her eyes when I go off on another rant about “caveman reasoning.” Evolutionary psychology shows up a LOT in the sort of self-help literature she encourages me to read, and so this has been a repeat topic.

Nice ad hominem attack. It way easier to say “Philosphers are useless” than to address the argument being made.

So obviously you’re implying that we should throw out everything Karl Popper ever said

So much of what I’ve seen of evolutionary psychology seems to be non-scholars seeking a way to conflate science with racism and misogyny.

Often, as Smith says above, it’s to justify a position that we (society) shouldn’t be expected to shoulder the burden to support oppressed groups, because hey, that’s just where

I dunno.  I suspect the weird anti-Skyler idiots aren’t even watching this show in significant numbers because Saul isn’t as “awesome” as Walt.  Skyler was an excellent character in her own right.