
She had a pretty serious sexual assault allegation against her. Not sure she is deserving of a long write up. 

Lordy. OK, it was bad to watch. Like, sooooo bad. Even my daughter who is a massive Melanie fan couldn’t really say it was worth watching. We ended up agreeing a couple of the individual segments had decent songs but it came off as a jumbled self indulgent mess. It was almost Channel Awesome-like in that way. I kept

After 3 paragraphs I had to stop reading, that was some nonsensical crap. 

I will never forgive her for sexually assaulting Timothy Heller. 

These people CANNOT wait for their end-times wet dreams to come true...  They must be creaming in their collective pants at this moment.

Why should his inaction on a pandemic bother them? After all, DEAD PEOPLE CAN’T GET ABORTIONS.

When I saw his post yesterday, my initial reaction was “Sure, if you don’t know the definition of those words (or you’re just being a disingenuous shit-stirrer), why the fuck not?”. Rather than replying, I left it alone, hoping that other people would call him out. Checking back this morning, I note that he’s

Seriously, you guys need to give up with myth that Sanders somehow weakened Hillary. Hillary lost on her own arrogance. Sanders likely brought more voters out to her than she would have had otherwise.

Right now you are acting no different than the handful of people who decided they were unwilling to compromise.

There is something to be gained; Biden can listen to Bernie and find ways to address his concerns to draw support from Bernie’s base.

The rage some people have at Sanders is completely and utterly bizarre to me. We’d all be better off if more politicians held his views

I have no idea how anybody can come to the conclusion that Sanders, who begged Warren to run in ‘16 because he didn’t want to, and is more responsible than anybody in america for ideas that are vastly important and would benefit many (like medicare for all, student and medical debt forgiveness, 15 dollar minimum wage)

Ah yes, what a monster. Socialised healthcare! Debt forgiveness! Truly the political positions of a self-interested Bloombergian tyrant.

He became a millionaire in 2016, and it’s because of his book. He should have told people not to get his book? Per Roll Call, he’s the 423rd richest person in Congress. So nobody in congress should be anti-capitalist? Who should run then? Only gutter punks or academics? He’s been preaching the same message his entire

Bernie worked several Blue Collor jobs when he was young in NYC, was a civil rights advocate, and then ran for Mayor and won once he moved. His “three houses” are collectively worth less them most major politician single mansions and one was inherited from his wife’s side. Last time I checked, making money was not a

Calling Bernie Sanders of all candidates a narcissistic sociopath, in a cycle that has Donald fucking Trump, Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden who is constantly caught lying, Elizabeth Warren who won’t even endorse a candidate, Kamala Harris who would said one thing at a debate and then walk it back almost right after. And

might want to check what he was doing before he was 40. Jesus Christ.

You see this as a beaten man refusing to give up.

yes, because trying to make sure every person in the country can see a doctor, get their prescriptions filled, and not go bankrupt is sociopathy.

This is hilarious considering Warren can’t even be bothered to give an endorsement. So much for grace in defeat.

I like how Sanders spent an entire speech talking about the needs of real people that Biden has largely ignore and dismissed and your takeaway is that he’s narcissistic. But then you were swearing up and down a few months ago that Kamala Harris would be the nominee so you’ve got a tradition of being wrong to uphold I