
Unlike Joe Biden who is a holy saint, if you ignore the groping, and support of segregation that is

How does any of that mean “it’s absurd to believe he would be the best president”? Even taking what seems to be your assumption that the president needs control of the senate to do anything meaningful at face value, at most that means is that we should be indifferent as between all of the candidates, because none of

I’m not sure why it is absurd to think Sanders would make the best president in the field. And thinking that about Sanders has nothing to do with a cult of personality, and has plenty to do with the actual values and policies he represents. Isn’t “I think they will make the best president” a pretty common reason to

If people were making their decisions off of how rude the other candidate’s supporters are, why would they be rewarding Joe Biden? He’s the guy whose supporters have abused their female employees, called trans people “it,” have a history of sexually harassing women in the workplace and covering it up and who regularly

The specific outcome of Sanders losing the nomination? I’m not sure how not supporting Sanders would have worked there. Or the specific outcome of Biden winning? I’m also not sure how not supporting Sanders would have avoided that outcome. Sanders supporters supported Sanders for all sorts of reasons, but it seems

I think the far simpler argument is that most Democratic white women are moderates. Remember that white women overall supported Trump over Clinton as well (I’m referring to the later Pew study that showed white women favored Trump 47% to 45%, not the flawed Edison exit polling).

So it’s better to have a man who is handsy with women, and doesn’t really do any denouncing of other men who yell at women online who don’t support him, than a man who insufficiently denounces other men who yell at women online that do support him. Got it.

To be fair to them: His net favorability polling is very strong, so if you’re the type of person who thinks that kind of polling is super useful in a vacuum, it would make sense that you might overlook the obvious just-under-the-surface reality that of course Clinton supporters resent Sanders.

There’s at least one actual statistical analysis that shows Bernie supporters are just as proportionally hostile as every other candidates supporters, so maybe we can fuck off with that argument already?

Ooh, lucky for you, there’s a Gawker alum here to handwave that all away:

Sadly, debating and speaking in front of crowds are not insignificant components of the job.

Out of 16 comments ONE sane person. Like what the actual fuck yall?!? Hillary called half the nation “deplorables” and her smug ass lost. Wtf are y’all on!?!? ENDEARING?!?!

Holy fucking shit...are these comments for real? It’s endearing? It’s cute? My God...yeah, more toxic masculinity!!! It’s funny! It’s perfect to combat Trump! Awesome, so excited!

“Biden/Harris: marijuana convictions for all!”

It’s inexplicable because she radiates absolute, total insincerity at all times except when she’s tearing into Buttigieg.

I don’t think anyone pretends Venezuela isn’t a shambles. What leftists argue is the extent to which American policy may be exacerbating the grim situation, the extent to which the US should intervene further, and the reasons the US might have for doing so.

Because of Marsali, I miss Jenny less.  But I still miss Jenny.

Specifically, it’s going to be a plurality for Bernie Sanders, and these behind-the-scenes shenanigans will be used as additional justification to choose Biden anyway, who will then go on to lose to Trump, who will destroy human civilization in his second or third term. Oh well.

I love Marsali, end of story.