
I agree, the show is operating on the closed loop theory. Claire still believes, though, that every person she’s helped has changed things. But then she says time, space, be damned. So perhaps she just senses it’s a closed loop, without knowing for sure. Claire must know Jamie was the “ghost” that Frank saw before she

Here’s your answer

I guess he can put away the walker now?

It is nice to see the show engaging more with the time-travel consequences, as the reviewer said. Also, was Roger less annoying this week? It was a different side of him we saw in his conversation with Claire as she performed his eye exam. He seemed less thick-headed and more understanding than he’s been portrayed the

*takes a deep breath* Outlander! Outlander! We have your woman!  

Have to say, the tone of this article seems weirdly condescending and neutral towards the Auschwitz Memorial about what seems to be a quite valid criticism and concern they’ve raised. I’m not normally one to get in an uproar about the fictionalising of history in what is clearly a work of fiction, and I’m not gonna

Yeah, I work in the broad field of ‘memorial policies’ (ie., how to talk about this kind of stuff) and that type of thing is harmful. You don’t need to make shit up to make the Nazis look like evil people. Like, if you decide that you need to come with worse things than Auschwitz, the subtext is that you don’t think

There is a certain callousness to looking at all the horrific shit that really happened in concentration camps and saying "naww, we need to come up with some new shit."

It’s kind of astonishing to me, after 2016 and all the ways it should have demonstrated that political elites are out of touch with the American electorate, something like 95% of people paid to talk about politics have no idea what they are talking about, and are completely unable to place anything about the current

Chuck Todd and Chris Mathews need to lay off the Nazi comparisons of a Presidential candidate that lost family in the holocaust. 

no, I think Joan’s reviews was Pulitzer price winning review. Yes, of course I am.

Should we check with Joan?

About goddamn time.

That was.... my point? All schools should be teaching the Tulsa massacre?

Great! Now, how about we add it to EVERY other school's curriculum? 

I really hope they fix Deloris’s “destroy all humans” attitude. I dont mind a brutal killer as a villain, but the show narratively expects us to at least partially empathize with her, and i cant do that if her endgame is “all humans should die”. Destroy the foundations of our society and start anew with the survivors

I think it’s just the juxtaposition of several factual things—she was an “ex” fiance, she was murdered, production of his show is shutting down—in one line that is making it feel that way. I don’t actually think the AV Club is implying that.

John Carter Was Good

I’m excited for Mulan, hopefully it does better than Lion King so they realize that just doing shot for shot remakes isn’t the way to go.

Sir this is an Ar...ticle about the opening Sega credits. Maybe read more than a few select words next time?