
A pretty spicy take, given that audience approval ratings hover around 9 out of 10 across the various aggregator websites.

Sometimes I see a comment on the Internet and I think to myself, “Why did this person write this comment?”

The film was released last year and it bombed. Even in China. For obvious reasons. First of all, it’s not a Jackie Chan/Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. They are borderline cameos/small support roles. It is a sequel to a Russian movie. There is dubbing that makes it worse to sit through.

The only reason why one sticks and the other doesn’t is because the major media outlets all back/promote the BernieBro myth. It is - objectively - a manufactured narrative. Sure, there are shitty Sanders supporters, but there’s an equal percentage of equally shitty Warren supporters (although there are less and less

Worse, the thing is, that’s actually a structural argument in favor of Sanders, not against. Literally, the argument why we, progressives and liberals in the party, must compromise and vote for the mealy-mouthed moderate, is because that is necessary to get the votes of people who won’t vote for everything we want.

Back in ‘08, at this stage in the game, we had Hillary winning New Hampshire and Barack winning Iowa, with John Edwards directly on their heels. They were damn near in a 3-way deadlock at the top, with no clear frontrunner at that time.

Watching all these white women twist themselves in knots trying to avoid voting for Bernie is a sight to behold. 

Um, yes. Since when is being a McKinsey alum a good thing? Advising companies on how to screw over their employees to maximize profits is hardly the type of things liberals would love. Mayor of a small town with racial issues he can’t discuss would be the top of the list for me. 

Are people aware that someone can have a heart attack and then...not have another one? My dad had one ten years ago, had some stents put in and hasn’t had another problem. It’s so weird. 

Name just one Bernie Sanders accomplishment that is even nearly as significant as that.

Um...Warren is done. She won’t win any delegates in Nevada or South Carolina, either, so she’s banking on finding some way to emerge from Super Tuesday with a justification for remaining in the race. And that justification is not coming.

Bernie is the only one who can beat Trump.

I can’t believe Pete Buttigieg’s plan to 40 under 40 his way to the White House because he read The Secret is actually working.

Wouldn't it be fucking wild if we had a system where the person with the most votes in both elections so far...won? And had the most delegates?

Only Robot youll ever need

There’s pretty much zero overlap between high poverty and high density countries, though. There’s India and China, but both of those are overall middle class nations. The poorest counties are in Africa, and have hilariously low population densities by North American standards (let alone European).

The game does not have black people. It is not only filled with white people. Those two things are not the same.

People want an open-world medieval RPG, grounded in reality, without strong fantasy elements, but that ISN’T made by a bigot, and which actually has ethnic diversity that is both realistic AND respectful of other cultures?

Let me guess. Your some kind of racist fuck right?