
I see your God and raise mine.

That was how God was explained to me by my rabbi. But perhaps I should say “God’s physical presence”. It might be inelegant but the idea is that God is the creator of everything, an omnipotent being.

so god is a ginger, you’re saying


Well, to be perfectly fair, regardless of what side you sit on, his incompetence is showing.

Hey we tried homey.

it will stop once he stops going full retard......

the scandal being her dating her brother’s ex-girlfriend i mean. the wolf did something like say he was gay on snapchat and then later apologized for the joke. it’s not scandalous. i don’t know what other word to use.

You can hand in your card now:


I don’t understand the fascination with Barb.

You’re lying to yourself if you think you wouldn’t be desperate enough to do damn near anything to have human contact when you’re without it for a year. Just take a look at what solitary confinement can do to a prisoner for a couple weeks or a month.

In a way I understand that part. In a moment of desperation, Pratt’s character makes a really terrible decision. The problem is the filmmakers never explore the consequences of that decision and just write it off as a silly stunt Lawrence has to overcome on her way to loving Pratt.

I thought the same thing and then realized I would in no way be surprised if ERW actually was dating Ed Harris.


Don’t they realize that McCrory lost because the governor election was basically a vote on this bill? I mean, people in this state hated McCrory so much they actually split their ticket to vote for Trump and against him.

Saying the Wonder Woman trailer was better than Civil War is a weird thing to say. Also, less slow-mo please.

Every time I look at the picture of him with his finger pointed in the air, mid-shout, I get chills. It’s horrifying and yet it’s one of the best-composed pictures I’ve ever seen; the tie still ramrod-straight and yet tilted with the raising of his arm, the fact that the gun is almost an after-thought in his moment of

Abolish the Electoral College.