
Simply coincidental. There is no way at all any civilization could have known about this or observed it. We can’t even observe it right now.

Cho called her out. Swinton respectfully asked for more information. Don’t confuse mildly tone deaf with “inherently gross”. And stop acting like Swinton randomly asked a POC off the street.

Every time someone said that Margaret looked bad, she’s a liar, she wants attention is just. . . what the fuck is wrong with you.

“I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck her.”

Go read the emails. The go read what Margaret Cho claimed Tilda Swinton said. She was lying in a despicable manner. I really like Margaret Cho’s work, but I’ve lost a huge amount of respect for her.

Oh, please.

I cannot for the life of me get why people don’t get this. This isn’t looking for a minority mentor. This is someone deliberately misrepresenting a conversation for attention and advocate street cred. She threw a colleague (in the loosest sense) under the bus when that colleague didn’t deserve it. She got called out

Major props to Tilda for releasing the conversation too.

That house Asian thing is particularly bullshit when Cho has put herself out there as a critic of Swinton getting the role. It’s like, “I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck

Does Margaret not realize her emails were fine, there is not problem with them. It is her lying about the content and tone of the discussion that there is something very wrong with.

I think Cho comes off looking worse in this than Tilda. Though my first thought was why on earth would she seek out the opinion of Margaret Cho in the first place? It seems like just such a bizarre out of nowhere email to send to someone. I mean maybe there is some more backstory here that we aren’t getting, but that

Cho has made herself one of the main voices of this debate and was publicly criticizing the movie and Swinton. If someone does that, they can’t then claim that if someone wants to talk about it with them that they are being turned to as the only Asian in the room. She has set herself up as an expert on this issue for

I’m guessing that Cho doesn’t understand why a lot of people are pissed at her. It has nothing to do with her feelings that Asian actors should play Asian roles, which is completely valid. Everyone’s pissed because she took what was supposed to be a private conversation, twisted it into the worst possible

Whatever Cho’s intentions, this ended up making her look like an ass rather than sparking a fruitful conversation.

Margaret Cho has always been someone who lies for attention. She’s like if Marc Maron were a woman. It’s too bad because she is incredibly talented.

Yes, with character and timeline shuffles notwithstanding, I feel it’s one of the better adaptations to TV that I’ve seen. It tries its best to remain quite faithful to the original source.

I’m halfway through the 3rd book now, and the show was pretty good, yea. The belters don’t look much different than everyone else, but I think that would’ve been an enormous CGI undertaking to portray so many people as rail-thin 7ft humanoids. They’ve altered some things like introducing Avasarala right at the

There is literally not one shred of evidence supporting that assertion. None.

The problem is less what he says at these stupid fucking rallies than the fact that he’s having them at all.

Holllllly Moly how much peroxide is in that picture