
Foreigners can also buy that gas now too. Which is why its so important to connect this field to the Gulf.

I’m curious: Has anyone ever analyzed his speech patterns to see at what cognitive level he’s functioning? It doesn’t sound like he’s thinking or speaking at a college level, but more like 6th or 8th-grade levels. Is that why he’s not taking the security briefings? Are the concepts involved too complex for him and his

Anybody who voted for this guy is fundamentally, on some base level, an absolute idiot. I’m not saying racist, I’m not saying bigot, I’m not even necessarily saying a terrible person. Put those aside. Show me a Trump voter and I will show you someone who has a critical gap in intelligence.

I found season 3 just meh.

“There’s also the problem of a character’s bisexuality being addressed once and then ignored on television, which we see happen with Logan.”

Multiple time periods. Not multiple timelines. Why did the wrong terminology become so persistent with this show?

There’s also the problem of a character’s bisexuality being addressed once and then ignored on television

Take away their birthdays, too. Go all in.

“There is a part of me that wants my kids to feel, at least in some relatively painless and abstract way, that the world is fucked.”

There is a part of me that wants my kids to feel, at least in some relatively painless and abstract way, that the world is fucked.

Being shitty to kids for no reason is definitely how I’d ensure the world becomes a better place someday.

It is the world’s job to make kids learn the world is fucked. It’s the parents’ job to make them feel safe when they do.

in this life, you can build up, or you can tear down...i’m going to assume our fair writer is simply in one of the first stages of grief about how much our world has changed, and is numbly despondent.

Frankly, that’s a horrible way to want your kids to perceive the world. They have a small window of time to enjoy their innocence. They don’t need the weight of world politics to erode their childhoods. This is an really indicative of a larger issue happening now. Seeing nothing positive and only the end of days isn’t

It’s a very depressing thought. I prefer my kids to know there are some fucked up things going on, but we can do things to help. And people tell me I’m a pessimist. They haven’t met this lady.

You’re definitely overthinking this.

Raise your children to be kind, teach them that possessions are less important than people, and also buy them Christmas presents. You can do all these things when you’re taking a break from gazing at your navel.

Why would you want to punish your kids for all this? Did they vote Trump? In Montreal?

This is bad parenting.