
I guess if you aren’t a Spider-Man fan, it’s hard to see but it is pretty obvious to me. This Spidey is far more accurate in the light hearted, quippy attitude. He’s always the kid cracking jokes and screwing with people. We never got that really in any of the prior movies. We can also be fairly certain no one is

The more stressed out people are, the more they want to see escapist stuff in the theaters.

So much makes sense now. I’m planning to binge through it again now that I know what’s going on.

Welcome to the center of the maze, we’ve been waiting for you.

I will still back The Wolverine for all it’s worth. Outside the wacky robo-Silver-Samurai, that movie captured a ton of what I love about both Logan as a character, and Jackman’s portrayal of him. Obviously could’ve been done better, but pretty damn rewatchable, all things considered.

Trollhunter is hardly science fiction. Are vampires more fantasy than trolls?

Premiered in Spain in October 2006 so yeah, more than 10 years ago.

Awesome film - but outside the 10 years scope.

Might as well answer Rob Bricken’s questions now, since 3 episodes in a 10 episode season wasn’t fast enough to sort things out for him:

Why so angry? Don’t miss Divorce with Sarah Jessica Parker. Hawaii Five-O is free on CBS.

The technician’s tiny, terrified pause of existential uncertainty when he finds out Bernard is a host is my favorite moment from the entire season.

Don’t let the saloon doors hit you where the maze don’t go on your way out.

“I know some will complain that it was “predictable” but that’s only because they laid out the bread crumbs so well.”

MiB’s reaction to finding the maze is any gamer’s reaction to shitty rewards when you get 100% completion.

Who said Elsie was dead

1. The journey towards consciousness is nothing?

William thought the center of the maze was a “deeper” level to the game where the hosts really fight back and can kill and win, instead of lose all the time. In the end he was sort of right since Dolores gaining conciousness is what started the robot uprising AKA fords new (and final) narrative

What was William looking for in the maze exactly?

It is my hope that I will have a similar attitude towards my marriages.

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.