
If this was Jezebel, the title would’ve been “Entitled White Male Harasses Chinese Woman Online, Gets What He Deserves.”

The thing is political correctness has become comical. So much so that us lefties have to call foul sometimes. But Trump manages to offend everyone. He is inciting violence. He disparages the disabled, women, everyone who isn’t white. He is literally shouting fire in a crowded theater.

How about coming up with a good script and shooting it? Not doing a bunch of reshoots and bringing in a trailer team to edit the film out from underneath the director?

I can’t imagine a good movie inside the plague ship that was Fant4stic.

Another great tweet from Ayers over the lackluster response for Suicide Squad...

It’s somewhat deceptive because the maps show every place that was ever part of the empire, but not necessarily part of the empire simultaneously. And the Brits get called out for trading African slaves, but the Spaniards and Portugeuse who originated the practice much earlier get a pass?

If you live somewhere like New York that is feasible. I live in a rural town that has 4 pokestops all at the park. I walked 6 miles in 4 hours around the track. Ollecrong balls at the stops and going around the loops of the park. ZERO Pokémon spawn at the park. No one lures non stop and everyone runs out of pokeballs.

One of the warrants they were serving was on the guy that lived there for a domestic violence assault charge she filed against him. I’m not sure that “just don’t serve warrants, then” is a reasonable takeaway from this scenario, even given how little we currently know.

To all the people saying what a waste... She clearly thought of herself as a martyr (take a look at her other videos). She also taught her son that every interaction with police will be a life and death situation simply because she felt the need to escalate it to that level each time. She was delusional and this was a

The Inca would have made a better finale than the Aztecs. Right down the Andes.

Ok she shot at cops and used her son as a human sheild...fuck this shit

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

I’m pretty sure they do have footage of her with the shotgun — they said the social media content is not deleted and she fired several rounds. Also, I can’t imagine the police waiting out a seven hour standoff if she didn’t have a gun.

It may be that, but I think its mostly this. We’ve barely left our neighborhood; it’s too early for sweeping assumptions.

Too busy getting shot at I suppose.

Not what they are saying at all. The critics say it is bad, not Jezebel.

Not surprised. I mean, the point of the scene wasn’t to show Tidus laughing and James Arnold Taylor did a bad job (he’s a quality voice actor), it was meant to be awkward and forced and weird. Mission accomplished.

It sucks. No tracking = no real way to hunt for pokemon and “play” the game. It went from a game which got me outside to play, to a game i now play when im outside anyway.