
Niantic is an incompetent small time app developer that lucked into a marketing deal that tapped into Millenial Nostalgia and went viral.

No, this is an example of a company advertising one thing, people paying for it, then the company changing said thing without communication to its users.

Are you faulting players for feeling mislead because features that were present in the app at launch have been removed at a later point without warning?

Well, in this case they had tracking and then removed it. So it seems more like a small company with a lack of vision.

Niantic has been terrible at communicating with its players. Maybe literally taking money out of their pocket will send a message that they can’t ignore.

Yes, before I went blind finding the bathroom was just an instant gratification. Now that I am blind, I can experience finding the restroom the right way.

The game was never about random chance. The footstep tracker was a feature in the game to tell players where to find pokemon. Since that feature was broken (now removed), third party sites essentially fixed that broken aspect of the game.

Hard to tell where a Blastoise has spawned without Pokevision...

Through Niantic's catastrophic lack of communication, we currently don't know if the nearby feature will ever be fixed. We're only assuming that they'll fix or replace it.

Do you actually read these articles and know why this is an issue, or do you just have two settings, but can only “Sit on Fabricated Moral High Ground” because “Fuck Off and Mind My Own Business” is broken?

Yes, we all want to walk around aimlessly, much like the Pokémon trainers of old. I mean, Red surely didn’t have a way of finding where Pokémon lived after having seen them once, right?

They don’t want it easy they want it viable. Unless you are in a major city it is now pretty much impossible to find anything by walking except for the most common pokemon.

Except that the in-game tracker was a big and important part of the game. With that disabled, you need SOMETHING to track nearby Pokémon.

Except that the in-game tracker was NOT cheating and was a big and important part of the game. With that disabled, you need SOMETHING to track nearby Pokémon.

So no in-game tracking OR tracking websites. What the flying fuck?

I wonder when the basic feature of losing money comes if u lose :P

In fact it’s the opposite; popular criticism of Zhang among Chinese people is that he is overly Chinese(state)-centric.

Sorry but once again you’re giving Caucasians waaaaay too much credit. Since Ancient times from 3000bc; the “civilised majority” of Han Chinese and their ancestors who were generally pale have seen the darker skin natives of Western China and the nomadic people to the North as uncivilised barbarians. There was logic

they wasted time on this vaporeon fix....when they should be fixing the Footprint glitch.

I read this too ; which is why I am not going to yell “cultural revisionism” just yet. For one, from the preview it looks like Damon plays a hired gun - someone the emperor contracts to fight a war against the enemy - since this is a thing that actually happened (i.e., Slavic mercenaries were routinely hired by the