
Cool update. I’m again reminded that Kristen Stewart has the incapability of closing her mouth and breathing through her nose.

Who can tell when K-Stew is happy? She only has one facial expression.

You should. ;)

doesn’t every superhero movie rely on moments and special effects and awe-inducing scenes?

It is in a different league than B vs S, really. Taste in movies is subjective, but I’m truly confused by anyone who thinks B vs S was better.

I feel sorry for you. May god have mercy on your soul.

I thought it sucked because Batman was a homicidal super villain until he finds out that Superman’s mom has the same name as his mom.

TurdFlinger is gender neutral too.

And when your child makes the ‘decision when they get older’ they’ll probably have already changed their name from Nidoran already.

Might as well go with TurdFlinger.

So, the two most innocuous pokemon names that could be used as real names are seeing a boost in usage? Eevee is really no different than a pet name for Evangeline and all the offshoots there of (Eve, Eva, Evelyn, etc) and Onyx is a bloody rock first and foremost. We gonna complain when names such as Garnet or Pearl

So is Pat, what’s your point?

It’s the official defense of Dawn of Justice fans!

“It’s not for you!” is the dumbest, most childish way to say “Stop hating the things I like!”

I knew when I came into the comments section there would be someone complaining about the art

I tried to give SG a read but holy hell is that artwork awful and so off-putting. I understand trying to go for a more “stylized” look but this is just BAD.

Thank you for articulating this better than I can at the moment.

I love how Joss Whedon has gone recently from the face and routine hero of the Progressive Side of Fandom to a crypto-male chauvinist who *may* (or maybe not; I mean, even for 90's standards his works were not THAT forward thinking(1), amirite?) have had some saving graces like, decades ago, but he’s soooo a sexist

This was especially noticeable in Age of Ultron, where Black Widow’s primary source of conflict was feeling like a monster because she couldn’t have children.

I think that’s excessive. Whedon isn’t flawless and he’s certainly not the only director who could do justice to a Black Widow movie, but he sure as shit could do it well. Ultron had plenty of issues, but i’d argue they were structural instead of character issues. The guy still does an admirable job of presenting

It you have misgivings about the movie, this trailer won’t change that

You know what, though? The otherwise successful MCU universe has been in dire need of a charismatic, dangerous villain since Loki. ... For me, the villains in Iron Man 3, Dark World, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man fell glaringly flat. It was a real weak spot for them. ... Mordo is a great villain and hopefully