
But his origin movie very clearly had a love interest, so not sure why anyone’s complaining Steve is in this. (I don’t mean you)

He’s been part of her origin since day one.

Women can both kick ass and fall in love. Just like male superheroes.

I mean, most people know by the age of 19 that brutally murdering people is wrong. She has complete culpability for her own actions here. I could understand granting parole if she had just guarded the door while someone else did the actual killing, but she participated actively and willingly.

You’re a moron because you don’t understand what parental consent laws actually are about.

(Two party systems are kind of terrifying to me.)

Nope. He cut funding for abstinence-only education when he saw stats that it didn’t work.

Being pro-choice means that even if you wouldn’t make that choice for yourself, or even if you wouldn’t advise a loved one to make that choice, you still believe that all women deserve access to a choice.

Yeah, you tell those woman-hating sellouts at Planned Parenthood and NARAL!

You don't sound like a troll here but let's be real. Kaine comes from a long line of liberal Roman Catholics who believe government should be separate from religion. His voting record shows as much.

He is *not* an anti-abortion candidate. He may be personally pro-life but he stands for choice in office. 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, 100% from NARAL.

“pro life guy”

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

We always have, if this is your yard stick.

Counterpoint: she looks great. Not everything needs to bow to the whims of the constantly outraged.

It’s the costume, stupid. Standard silhouette, with light falling on the costume for emphasis. They are highlighting the costume. But let’s make everything an issue.

Sorry, no. It may be “practical” but it’s also a hideous mish mash. It's like she took a bunch of spare pieces from separate outfits and put them all on at the same time. Plus, I mean, do we really need a big red V right over her crotch?

So, question: why is comic Captain America, who was born in Manhattan., fighting next to a statue of himself that claims he’s “just a kid from Brooklyn” when he absolutely isn’t?

Me either. I wish the polyamorous all the best with it, but I am not among them.

I know that it is not something that I could deal with.