
Yeah but we all had the good sense not to live in California.

I’m probably one of the few that says this:

He’ll be fine eventually.

My nine-year history on Jezebel is an open book, free for anyone to look at and judge. You, new account with a couple dozen posts?

I hate patriarchy, and I don’t appreciate what bullshit macho norms do to men either. Take, for example, my brother’s anger issues and crippling PTSD following his deployment. Patriarchy is toxic for everyone.

We seem to be searching for acceptable targets to blame for this killing. The liberal thing to do is honestly note the facts:

Someone on Gawker the other day quite passionately opined that the remake clearly sucked because the actors come from Saturday Night Live.

Well, I am a Person of Color (Indian Colored, to be exact) and I agree with Colbert.

Meh, young children come home from preschool/day care literally COVERED in viruses and bacteria that have a much higher chance of making you sick than anything you might get from your dog. Sharing your life and home with other beings entails inherent risk... I assume most people who choose to do so believe the many

Russians thought ahead, no glorified lantern for them, just a really big sword.

It will eternally bother me when characters are created as “[Insert famous superhero name here] of [insert ethnicity here]” instead of creating more unique characters. It’s the difference between Black Woman Iron Man and War Machine to me. One just has more personality in its name.

The multiplication of these various heroic legacies makes business sense as it broadens demographic appeal and seemingly suggests new directions for film adaptations as actors age or opt out of their roles.

No Magikarp?

I did not get that AT ALL. She lives in the moment. She lives joyfully, honestly. Those are the words he said. The words above are your projections.

In what universe was Civil War terrible?

But... That’s exactly... what... Marvel...

They’re not. Two of those weren’t even Universal films. You know how annoying it is when mom or dad asks “So when will Batman and RoboCop join the Avengers?” That’s what you just did. Just saying.

I always assumed that when left-wing internet commenters were annoyed, they’d be more reasoned and intelligent than the right-wingers. My mistake.

Jane was dying of cancer before this comic even began, Odinson was always going to be Thor again. That’s not the same as obliterating diversity.

We weren’t told she would be Thor forever. And women needing representation (which is true) isn’t that same as Jane needing to be Thor.

My hope - Jane as her own being, much like Beta Ray Bill, while Odinson returns to being Thor (as he of course will be, or have you not been reading comics for the last 50 years? :D ).

He can call himself toast for all I care his name isn’t a title . Nor does it make you him if you have his powers which is the problem in the first place.