
This is actually coming on the heels of a lot of high profile buyouts of competitive staples that are on the Reserved List. Cards like Moat, Lion’s Eye Diamond, Gaea’s Cradle, and City of Traitors were recently bought out by speculators with the intention of accelerating the natural tendency of Reserved List cards to

We’re done here.

I will most likely vote for Clinton, but all I can think of is the scene in Animal Farm where Napoleon kills Snowball and then presents Snowball’s plans as his own

Yes, Marvel. That’s the answer. Replace every major character in your universe with a black/Asian/Female/Gay alternative. Do it all at once. Because inventing original, compelling characters with these traits is hard. It’s better to just alienate your long-time fans so you can look like you’re totally on board the

“Also, 15 is way too young. When I was young myself, I thought it was ridiculous that the heroes in games like Final Fantasy were 13-15. Where are your parents!? Who let you to use that giant sword?”

I find it a little annoying that she’s 15. I always liked that Tony was a little older than a lot of other heroes, kind of like that uncle you love but know is a nutcase.


A preemptive, self-anointed white knighting. Fascinating...


South Park made Timmy and Jimmy peers of the main characters. They are not defined by their disabilities, and are annoyed at those who try talk down to them. Jimmy was the hero of a recent season, in which he stands up for freedom of the press at a time when a cowardly town could have cared less.


She...isnt American though?

I have always thought this. We may be the minority, but you're not alone.

Does Everything is Awesome count? Because if so, that.

Akira Kurosawa’s take of Shakespeare. I’ve never heard anyone accuse him of taking anything away from the English.

“—for good reason in the wider realm of Hollywood whitewashing—”

did “the japanese people” confirm this notion of having something taken away from them? like the publisher Kodansha for example? nerds are so short-sighted sometimes...