
What you’re doing here by derailing the conversation is exactly what people do when they insist that “all lives matter” in response to Black Lives Matter activists. God forbid that his views were influenced by his personal background and experiences. You are the asshole.

Are you serious? Wiesel endured the unimaginable, and then dedicated his entire life to victims of oppression. He headed a commission to investigate the Romanian government’s persecution of Jews and Romanis during the Holocaust. He advocated against apartheid in South Africa, genocides in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur,

Israel the oppressor lol

“Not to mention all the little girls who would love it to bits and who deserve a good super-heroine movie.”

Hey, I’m fine with that, some people like Michael Bay movies as well, doesn’t mean the thought of another Transformers movie doesn’t bring out the pitchforks and torches on this site. Same for James Cameron. Same for Zach Snyder. Same for George Lucas. Same for a metric fuckton of other things.

Anna Kendrick is 30. Half her age is 15. Squirrel Girl is in College. College Freshmen are not 15.

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I have to echo the tweet not wanting Squirrel Girl to be a thing.

The original Akira was written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, the comic’s creator, and was released before the comic even ended, hence the movie representing a heavily edited version of the story that scrambled many of the events in the storyline and offered a somewhat different ending.

Eli Wiesel lived long and prospered, dedicating his life’s work to sharing the truth about what he had seen. And thus he won the ultimate victory over the murderers of his family, as well as over the deniers who claimed that the millions who were murdered at the camps never even existed.

No, you get dismissed for shitting on the memorial of someone who may have been a polarizing figure by the end of his life, but who was almost robbed of that life by hatred.

Elie Wiesel is a personal hero of mine.

“I never intended to to be a philosopher, or a theologian,” he wrote. “The only role I sought was that of witness.”

She absolutely knows and understands, that’s why she tried (badly) to cover up her involvement when she found out he was dead.

Breaking up with someone is not a crime, no matter what they do afterwards. The Clemenit case is very different. Ravi Whatshisname was not charged with having anything to do with Tyler’s suicide, but for taping him and putting his private actions online for people to watch. I

There is big difference between indirectly causing someone to commit suicide because you left them and literally encouraging someone to kill themselves and you know that. The situation is not remotely comparable. Just because this is Jezebel doesn’t mean you have to twist this into a men vs women thing.

She should not have been charged with murder, but that doesn’t mean he should have been, either.

who is supposed to look like Stephen King

No, confessional writing done by women tends to be more direct and honest. It has its own tiresome cliches (inflation of the banal, sentimental, purple language), but it’s a different kind of bad/boring. This article is correct in its assessment.

“Toxic relationships require two parties.” Tell this to an abused intimate partner.
Allow me to show you how gross you are.
“...that’s obviously the the fault of the rapist. I’m blaming her for drinking too much at a frat party. Not smart. Didn’t seem to turn out well, did it?”

I dunno. Hard to blame the guy for a comment he made when she pulled a gun on him.