
No, I’m not saying that’s the only solution.

According to the CBC, Canada has taken in 600,000 refugees. That’s a lot. And it’s commendable. But it’s a massive undertaking if you’re going to have an entirely open door policy, and different from taking in about half a million.

Let’s be honest here: unless the West and Asia continue to step up their aid programs, it’s highly likely that countries like Jordan will start shutting down their borders even more aggressively. Europe is already stressed (and seeing a rise in populism as refugees create cultural ripples), the US has lost its

1. Jordan has limited resources and already has struggled to home its current refugee population. Should Jordan allow in unlimited refugees regardless of their resources? And without knowing whether aid from other sovereign states is necessarily going to cover this? Jordan has also seen a drop in relative arable land

“It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.”

Yeah I agree, I was about to be angry at the cops, but the story quickly makes it clear that isn’t what happened. Jezebel should edit the headline and made it say “Texas woman killed by police after SHE fatally shot her two daughters” , it actually uses less characters and gives the information right in the headline

You joke, but remember this meme?

Because once you buy a gun, suddenly you’re John McClane and you can take down ISIS and any other nuisance all by your own bad ass self?

I work at a cinema. Trust me, people sit through the credits of EVERY fucking superhero movie regardless, just in case. You think it’d be easy to pull your phone out and Google “does this movie have a post credits scene?” while you’re sitting there, or maybe ask the guy standing there with a broom tapping his foot

It's pretty fucking stupid. If you see a post-credit scene, it's because you saw the movie. That works. What if you wanted to see this, and that got released and you saw it by accident before you saw the movie? Snyder is a moron

I just don’t get why they think they need a live-action Akira movie. Fine, it’s a classic, but it’s not as if it’s had a regular presence on the anime scene like Ghost in the Shell has. It’s been in limbo for this long - people didn’t want it in the first place, so why do they think people want it now? American

I know this has been done to death but I will not relent until I see no more vertical videos on youtube.

You don’t have to listen to them, you could always say something. And, as for the rest of us and how we deal with the daily struggle, what choice is there? And, before anyone gets all worked up, my partner in life is one of those straight, white males with inborn privilege, so....

I would urge our progressive friends here in the states to not to put too much weight into drawing direct metaphoric lines from Brexit to the U.S.’s situation with Trump. Yes, some elements of nativism and xenophobia ring similar, but there are tremendous differences as well.

*sigh* They’re not “punishing” anyone. They’re giving a set of guidelines that will guarantee that you won’t get sued, as opposed to the previous situation where you could get sued at any time for any reason or for no reason at all just because someone at Paramount was having a bad day. Paramount isn’t saying they’ll

Your ire would be better aimed at the Axanar people who leveraged Star Trek to build their unrelated business. They’re the ones responsible.

Ok raise your hand if you read the whole article.


Historian Nitpicks:
1) There were no Dark Ages. The credible historians of the period now call it either 'Late Antiquity' or the 'Early Middle Ages' - the exact deliniation of those two periods has not been agreed upon yet, but the field is moving towards an idea of a 'Long Late Antiquity (300-800 C.E.) and a short