
I used to watch her stuff a lot. Now I don’t.

Her career at this point is basically drumming up the same controversies over and over again that she’s already been “cancelled” for and “apologized” about, and then whining about people being mean to her on twitter. She has no content, just drama.

Don’t have a twitter, but the answer is “no” in my case.

What fortuitous timing for a large renovation project.

This is the craziest aspect of whiteness for me: it’s something that grows and changes, but it always oppresses Black and Indigenous people, because that’s all it’s really about. At one point, when our however-many-great grandparents sailed over here from Europe, they had virtually nothing in common with one another.

Jamie Foxx is 52???

My favorite part of Fargo Season 1 is when Gus is shown to have quit the Duluth police force to become a mailman.

The police do it on purpose

Philosophy is foundational to science.

It's based on a series of novels written by a woman. The show follows the plot of the books pretty closely.

I think it’s a reasonable assumption that Diana Gabaldon has a rape fetish.

The sooner the culture stops paying attention to Tommy Wiseau, the better. He accidentally made something entertaining through sheer assholery and incompetence, and he’s in on the joke now. How long does he get to coast on that goodwill?

The way the show deals with slavery and indigenous people is really miserable, and one of its biggest problems. Jocasta being portrayed so positively and sympathetically just doesn’t work. Ulysses’s entire character arc is just him being obedient to his mistress and getting rewarded for it. Kayla isn’t inventing these

Hey everyone, it’s Bob and David.

I liked this episode a lot, I loved how much it tied the events since Jamie and Claire shipwrecked in America with the previous three seasons, as they both sometimes feel like two entirely different shows. But there were a few patently bizarre moments, Claire showing Jamie the sperm he had shot into her under a

No, Brianna did not have Moby-Dick memorized. She’s retelling a vague outline of events from the novel, but her words are not those that Melville wrote. His prose was far more poetic and less dinner theater.

I think Bonnet is mistaking his desire for control over Jemmy for love. Because the scenarios he describes and fantasizes about are not of family and affection but of ownership.

I’m very happy that the Bonnet saga is at an end, because it means the last plot thread from season 4 is also gone.

This will fail spectacularly in the vast majority of cases.

They have no metabolism and no cells. Yes, humans are “related” to viruses in that we share genetic material with them, but that’s true of literally everything with DNA.

None of the definitions of virus match humanity. Viruses aren’t even living things.