
Well, I haven’t read the books except the first, and there’s zero reason to believe doing so is a requirement to enjoy the show properly. 

I feel like the story frames Jamie’s position as wrong, so I wouldn’t call the bit about the amputation ableist. He’s a soldier, it’s understandable that the thought of losing a leg is horrifying to him, but presenting Fergus as a foil worked pretty well.

All the tiny snippets of things that we know about this movie have been gold. Do not fuck this up, Denis.

While the device certainly looked really cool, I thought the reasoning behind it was a bit convoluted.

There are few stories that more perfectly capture the current zeitgeist like Snowpiercer. The movie was fantastic and I can’t wait for the comic.

Such a fantastic and underrated show, the way his character ended up on the show was great.

Does anyone else remember the Syfy version of Being Human? He was killer on that and the whole cast had great chemistry. This very website did recaps of it, that was classic i09.

Do you come here exclusively to insult Kayla?

It’s the opposite of ironic.

Cry me a river.

Idiots think “much less likely” means “never”. A younger person is still significantly less likely to die from the virus, but seeing as how younger people are usually out-and-about more than elderly people, it’s likely more of them will catch the virus, and at least some of them will die from it.

Isn’t this the same author that described what it might have felt like to be in Kobe Bryant’s helicopter as it was crashing?

The series had already radically departed from the books even before they’d run out of material to adapt. The details of the two endings might be similar, but with a different context and story arc leading up to them the books might be a hell of a lot more satisfying.

Sanderson hasn’t even read the series beyond the first book, it’s nothing like Wheel of Time, which was much more in his wheelhouse.

I’m not a massive Brandon Sanderson fan but it’s kinda irksome that he’s now held to be “the guy that finishes your fantasy epic for you after you die”.

Cryonics as an industry needs to end, and all the bodies that are frozen need to be put in the ground.

What makes you think this is “inevitable”? Moore’s law is a crock of shit, marketing for computer companies.

If human descendants still exist in a million years, they will be mostly unrecognizable to us now. Spoken language is no older than 200,000 years old, possibly less than 100,000 years. Humans did not live in cities until 10,000 years ago. Written language has only existed for 5,000 years. Given this rapid pace of

What are we if not our thoughts? Skin?

The delegate gap between Biden and Sanders is far from insurmountable.

I read somewhere that Laura Donnelly who plays Jenny doesn’t like being on the show, and decided not to come back for Season 4 even though it would have made sense for her to be at Lallybroch with Ian when Brianna visited there. Could just be hearsay, though.