
You are truly a piece of shit, congrats of being so above it all.

That is entirely due to lifestyle, not how many people there are here. If our energy and transportation came from renewable sources, and we drastically reduced or eliminated our meat intake, the population suddenly has no bearing on carbon emissions. Your words were that “we are too many for Planet Earth”.

I love nothing more than reading Malthusian bullshit on Kinja!

This movie understands what fascism is and where it comes from better than any other movie since Starship Troopers.

I also really don’t think Dani killing Christian at the end is a positive thing. He was a uniquely shitty boyfriend, yes, but the cult capitalized on that to make her vulnerable and induct her into their community.

Stop reviewing movies

How are all of these movie reviews so bad?

It's immeasurably better than The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a movie that omits the Hitler Youth entirely and more or less whitewashes the Holocaust.

The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. God, one of the least popular Democratic political figures in America, the politician that lost to Donald fucking Trump, is criticizing Sanders’s “electability” and refusing to go to bat for him if he wins the way he did for her after he lost the 2016 nomination?

Forcibly terminating someone else’s pregnancy against their will and getting an abortion are not the same thing, and it is a very good thing that it is illegal.

No, they were good, just like the movie.

Virtually every liberal news organization wants Biden to win. Bear that in mind, always.

Captain Marvel is one of the most by the numbers Marvel films yet. The action is dull and Danvers is still mostly a blank slate as far as characterization goes.

I unironically enjoy Regan’s comedy.

Laws are bought and paid for. Do you honestly think that's not the case?

Mmm delicious corporate boots *lick lick* YUMMY BOOT *suck slurp lick*

Where the fuck is The Lighthouse?

It fits the "half your age plus seven" rule, I really don't think it's a problem.

I don't want to go to the 80s. I'm sick of the 80s.

Pearl Harbor sucked, but it did reasonably well at the box office.