
Whedon is a hack, but Snyder is far, far worse.

I feel like the only person in the world that’s seen The Congress with Robin Wright, which is in my top ten films of all time. It’s bizarre and inscrutable yet incredibly moving at the same time, and the fact that the marketing for the movie tried to hide how the majority of the movie wasanimated in a style like

What happened to Kate Mara? She vanished off the face of the earth after this came out.

If you count civil servants, we’ve had office jobs for about 200 years.

Mostly a good list, but I would cut the poop film that is La-La Land and replace it with Blade Runner 2049 or The Lighthouse.

Everything having dutch angles, everything looking like a jeans commercial, early Internet culture, Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon’s golden age. Anime breaking into American pop culture in a big way. SURRRRRRRGE! Extreme metal, giant black cell phones...

There isn’t a singularly defining trend for any decade, really.

What do you think “incel” means?

And people complain every time there’s a spider-man reboot. People just decided they were okay with it once Tom Holland turned out to be a damn good Spider-Man. I’M fucking sick of Spider-Man despite that.

-Defenders of the Earth

Wonder Woman is a middling film, on par with the more forgettable MCU movies like Age of Ultron.

I’m so tired

I have to agree, technocratic solutions to societal problems are incredibly inane. Fancier computers won’t fight climate change, only people can.

Thousands will die? Try hundreds of millions

I mean... it’s horror, not sci-fi. Rationalizing and systematizing things makes them objectively less frightening.

Hereditary is the only movie I’ve ever seen that actually frightened me. It went places that I thought movies just weren’t supposed to go, and it kept me guessing until the very end, taking well-worn horror tropes and delightfully skewering them.

I really don’t think there’s any disagreement with that position. Neil Marshall didn’t even include a werewolf transformation in Dog Soldiers because he believed he wouldn’t be able to top Rick Baker’s.

It’s excellent, I just wish the werewolf effect measured up to the story.

They really are wonderful films. The dynamic between the sisters (and with Sam) is so believable and heartbreaking. The sequel is also great, and arguably “scarier”, and the prequel at the very least looks amazing considering how low the budget was. It’s campy and not as good as the others, but still entertaining and

I am an insatiable werewolf movie fanatic, and I’ve watched virtually every werewolf flick ever released in theaters or film festival circuits, including weird ones like Project Metalbeast and Wolfcop. It’s an incredibly frustrating fandom to be a part of, because it’s so rare to find an actual quality werewolf film,

I’m in my mid-twenties and the young candidates are all milquetoast garbage.