
Hillary voted in favor of creating ICE. Fuck Hillary.

Uhh, the leftist governments in KR are definitely not the “bad guys”.

Funny how “human nature” corresponds exactly to whatever the beliefs of whoever invokes it are. It’s a weak-ass argument, do better.

Seriously. Seydoux isn’t exactly an unknown anymore.

Because it’s supposed to look like a person. Women have boobs.

Okay, Reagan. Tell us more about how great billionaires are for society.

Yeah, he’s payed Cap at least once a year since he signed on.

Uh oh, that sounds an awful lot like socialism to me!

a councilwoman representing the liberal Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) in Rio de Janeiro

He’s a nerdy white guy that smokes pot. That’s about it.

Will this mean that Disney will also commit to hiring more diversely both in front of and behind the camera as well? Look at more diverse scripts?

Social justice without socialism is almost worthless.

How about we stop pretending that we need corporations to feed us breadcrumbs altogether? For fucks sake, we DON’T NEED BIG BUSINESS to solve our problems for us, they’re the number one cause of places like Oakland being marginalized in the first place!

You seriously think Disney will allow a rape scene in one of their movies?

Gronk ees stronk.

I highly doubt Trump knows this, but the majority of Puerto Ricans are actually white.

Most cops don’t join the force to protect people and intervene in dangerous situations, they join to feel powerful or to become action heroes. It’s a deep-seated cultural sickness.

What’s the last good thing Eddie Murphy was in? Mulan?

This is hilarious, though I’m pretty sure Iceland is whiter if we’re having a contest.

...which is a form of privilege.