
Legendary’s MonsterVerse (the Godzilla and King Kong crossover universe that’s been unfolding) has made over 1 billion on 345 million globally.

ROM was the only film in this “franchise” I was even remotely interested in seeing, so...

Minor inaccuracy in your post: The modern House of Windsor is not descended from Queen Charlotte, as they’re a German house that gained power in the early 20th century. The claim that Charlotte was part black is unclear as well, as this is based on the fact that she had an ancestor 500 years earlier who MAY have been

Ugh, I miss you guys.

It’s not suspect, it’s necessary. The Daily Mail is only slightly more credible than the National Enquirer.

Mr. Sunday Movies is the best.


In-universe, I believe it borders Ethiopia.

They may not have visited, but I can certainly believe that black Americans are more likely than white Americans to, say, read books about African history and cultures, or take classes on the topic.

What WOULD be representative? Egypt is nothing like Uganda ethnically, culturally, or religiously, nor are Nigeria and Madagascar, or any other two places more than a couple hundred miles apart.

The Inhumans push didn’t work, though, and likely won’t continue now that Disney owns the X-Men film rights. Miles Morales and Ms. Marvel weren’t cancelled, because both those books sell well.

My beard isn’t quite as long as ol’ Fyodor in my avatar’s is, but it’s getting there.

Admiral Ackbar has had about two minutes of screen time in the entirety of Star Wars. Holdo is already a more important character thanks to this one film.

Inhumans was far, far worse than Iron Fist.

I kinda liked it. The characters are sort of bland at the moment, but the writing is competent and it has a lot of stuff I love in it- knights, cool costumes and beards, battle scenes, and intrigue.

Why are people only now starting to care about the accuracy of space physics in Star Wars?

Because they’re not nearly seventy?

Rey/Kylo connection didn’t feel like hand waving plot contrivance even though it totally was.

Snoke was never interesting, he was just a despot. People were projecting elaborate fan theories onto him and were disappointed when they didn’t come true.

TFA fan reaction: “IT’S TOO SIMILAR!”