
The burden is on both parties to ensure the other is okay with what’s going on. Men aren’t always the ones initiating.

Hey, me too!

Raw is so good.

Frank Castle/Karen Page- “Kastle”.

The Crown Lands more than reimburse the British Government for the two-pence per taxpayer per year that it costs to maintain the monarchy. That money would be lost were the monarchy deposed.

I have no idea what you have against Björk, Rich, but it doesn’t matter because I know that you’re wrong. Whatever amount of flutes Björk wants in her music is the right amount.

If you’re going to be part of one crazy group that everyone hates, might as well be part of all of them.

Who the hell IDENTIFIES as racist? Even the most virulent of racists call themselves “race realists” or similar bullshit.

What exactly do you propose we do with the Brock Turners of the world, then? If anything, there aren’t ENOUGH rapists in prison.

What exactly do you propose we do with the Brock Turners of the world, then? If anything, there aren’t ENOUGH rapists in prison.

You’re looking for Discworld.

Are you willing to give other celebrities similar opportunities for redemption?

About 50% of the students at my Alma Mater are type 8. It’s utterly surreal watching protests with the pastiest motherfuckers you’ll ever see spitting “FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE” without the faintest hint of irony.

If you had to pick a single event, the Suez Crisis can be seen as the death of the British Empire.


You could apply the same logic to a lot of white Americans.

Not “all” Mexicans have indigenous roots. Plenty are almost entirely of Spanish and other European extraction.

Fuck, even among mass-chain pizza, both Domino’s and Pizza Hut are far better than Papa John’s.

Speaking of laughingstocks, that picture may be the worst I’ve ever seen Trump’s hair look, which is saying something.

Fun fact: Lincoln offered Lee the opportunity to lead the Union army, but he decided to fight for the traitors instead. Honorable man my ass.