
Except Taylor Swift isn’t a white nationalist. Give me a fucking break.

I think the term you’re looking for is “Afrofuturist”, not Afrocentric. Afrocentrism typically refers to a variety of pseudo-history that is frequently just Eurocentrism with the skin colors changed. In the worst cases it can often be anti-Semitic as well.

Stan’s pretty sane, too.

Calling it now: there will be incest.

Catholics are Christians.

They became pretentious.

You’re seriously saying this about NYT on fucking Jezebel?

I really don’t have the energy or desire to hate on Hillary Clinton. Not anymore.

I can’t be racist, I have white friends.

The article is specifically “calling out” white women. Is it that much of a fucking surprise that people are talking about white women in the comments?

Neither are potatoes. But Sam definitely eats taters.

The Godzilla-King Kong universe is actually pretty good so far, though. It’s the only one I care about other than the MCU.

I REALLY wanted it to be good, I think a modern re-imagining of that world had the potential to be great. But they fucked it up.

Epistemology is a philosophical problem, not a scientific one. Science is based on a few key assumptions about the nature of knowledge that humanity has decided have merit.

Yeah, they seem really different, but I’m interested in watching Power now.

The decline of the Middle East arguably began with the sacking of Baghdad by the Mongols, not with colonialism.

How can you list Death Magnetic but not St. Anger? They’re both shitty albums, but Metallica has never again sunk to the grim depths that they once reached with St. Anger.

What about the Indian people that live there? Are they not “actual Africans”? Your comment is disturbingly ethno-nationalist.

If they have to make a movie out of a 90's lingerie-clad “bad girl”, why not go with one that people actually like and is still going, like Witchblade?

It’s a pity that Luc Besson chose such a non-actress like Cara Delevingne to star in his dream project.