
As a polyamorous person, this is some bullshit. Humans aren’t built for monogamy or non-monogamy, just like women aren’t hardwired for empathy and men for conquest, they are just human, with infinite variety and desires. Some people find monogamy works for them, some don’t. If you’re one of those that don’t you should

UK gives it out in A&E and by paramedics in ambulances for severe pain (assuming you don’t have the asshole paramedic I first had who asked my pain score and when I gave it said no you’d be rolling around in pain on the floor if it was that high and made me lower it). My gallbladder burst and I got a dose in the

Hahaha whatttt. I’m up in Canada and maybe I just live in regions where addiction is something they’re watching out for but the only people I know who got morphine were cancer patients. You might get codeine from the ER, maybe, but not morphine.

If your pain is intense enough, ER will give you morphine. Heck, EMTs will do it, too. (Recent experience with a kidney stone.)

....a random ER doc gave you morphine??? Damn, I get bad gas pain too but just handing out opiates like that is damn reckless.

When I had unexplained reflux/heartburn, they ran all kinds of tests, endoscopy, etc. only to tell me, “Maybe in a few years, we’ll discover some new disease that you have. Until then, the best we can do is manage it”

This is exactly why I tend to "trust my gut." Unlike my brain, it hasn't yet evolved to the point where it doubts itself.


Sorry Ellie.

This sounds like my worst nightmare. Here’s some gluten-free artwork you can at least enjoy.

Goddamnit, I hadn’t thought of “Bananas in Pajamas” for years, now I remember I worked a soundtrack for that stupid show and I cant get that stupid song out of my head.

They should absolutely have a policy for this, but I’m interested if there are stated policies on other types of violence/conflict between delegates. Like if one delegate punched another in the face, is there a policy for handling that? And if so, why couldn’t that policy be used for this incident? Assault is assault.

Right? I’m loving her! Bonus: good role model for my girls! The commentators were talking about how she didn’t make it into a swim club the first time she tried out. And now she’s a freaking high school student with three medals. My 7 year old is just in awe.

Exactly! It wasn’t “if YOU think I’m going easy on YOU” - he really meant, “if any of y’all think I’m going easy on him, I’m not! Pinky swear!”

But Canada got bronze! That’s just like gold to us!

“I’m not going to send you to prison because I’m afraid you would never be deemed fit to be released.”

I was wondering what would have happened if the young man had killed a cop. Do we have a whole bunch of data proving prison cures people of that? ’Cause if not, I guess we have to just let them go. Same for: robbed a bank, stole a car, punched a judge.

Pro tip for this judge: if you have to tell someone that you aren’t going easy on them, you probably are!

“If you think I am going easy on you I am not”- sounds like the judge trying to convince himself and his conscience that this babytown punishment was enough

Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.