
I just learned so much more about Al Gore

honestly when she called him a puppet I genuinely cheered. That moment was vastly underappreciated in that room

Have you investigated Hamilton for illegal doping? His high score seems pretty suspicious considering

Honestly that should be added to her list of accomplishments this year, 2016 fought nuns and won

To be fair I am sure both she and Russel brand once sat on rocks together too, did Katy win against the nuns btw? I'm still rooting for the nuns

Oh I absolutely cried over that, I feel like thats the stuff they are talking about when they say “the true Olympic spirit”

wait I just saw your edit, do you color code yours too?

I was so mad when he was like “you just don’t talk about it" like YEAH YOU DO OR ITS CALLED CHEATING

I was so excited for him to be like Nah polyamory for the win but it turns out he just believes in cheating and not talking about it. Come on bro- join the leagues of open relationships and the polyamorous, the only difference is you have to tell your partner/s and they have to be down with you doing that too (if not

I just, we have been studying the human body for as long as we have been an evolved society, and for something so important you think they would devote massive amounts of time and funding to it

I mean my insurance didn’t cover it so it was likely the most expensive high of my life. It must have helped though- I was able to ah pass through my pain- like an hour later

I am genuinely so sorry for your loss, I considered writing many different takes on what could be wrong with you from my degree in web MD but instead I’ll close with what the random ER doctor told me when he gave me morphine for my gas pain “we don’t know enough about the stomach and intestines and sometimes the body

Also reporters going into the app for "journalistic" purposes and revealing that there are top athletes who may not be out in public on the app- even if they do not name them, is going to cause someone with less scruples to do the same, and potentially out them, and not all the countries at the Olympics will take

The documentary Cocaine Cowboys is actually fascinating, I hope this interpretation is more fact than fiction. The fact that drugs literally built the city of Miami as it simultaneously destroyed thousands of lives is amazing and horrifying

I mean there are fines he will pay and he already paid for bail so some money is already back in the system right there plus, reporting false threats are a crime so I imagine if we follow this story he will have justice served to him.

I mean if that's what she's into, does she get a refund for her flight though?

“If you think I am going easy on you I am not" but... you are? Now he's just going to get better at not being caught.

I mean she needs at least three failed relationships to make an album, she's still in the process of working on the second one. YOU DONT FORCE ART AMERICA

Its on my radar just because its so damn pretty, but I only remember its existence once every four years

Theres a reason less people are watching the Olympics this year and its because NBC is making it really hard to watch if you do not have access to the internet stream. (which is fucking bizarre because not having the internet stream is the only reason you would watch it on TV)