Bad Tina

Not directly related, but I always found interesting how Colonel Sanders (or “Uncle Kentucky” as he’s known in Japan) is viewed in Japan.

My favorite anecdote is how celebrating Hanshin Tigers Baseball fans threw a local Colonel Sanders prop into a river after winning the Japan Series title in 1985... prompting a

Attention all news outlets:

She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena

We did that with dandelions but we were trying to make bugspray somehow.

Similar flower story but a little different:

So much perfume!! After a couple batches went bad I made a point to get a bunch of books from the library on how perfume was *actually* made. My playhouse was full of flowers and rubbing alcohol for weeks.

YES! Even the same kinds of flowers. :D

Orange was my favorite color, because no one else ever picked it and I was afraid it felt left out. I was also extremely concerned about the feelings of my toys.

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.

You said it.

I need this right now! I also need to figure out how to keep a jar of bacon fat in my fridge at all times. And perhaps duck fat too.