Bad Tina

Now I’m depressed because I read the headline and thought that a Masterpiece theme park was really in the works.

If you want an easy Cowboy Caviar it uses Black-Eyed Peas. Heat 1 cup olive oil, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar until the sugar dissolves. Dice 1/2 - 1 medium red onion depending on tastes. Add it to a large bowl with 1 can BEP, 1 can Black Bean, 1 Can White Corn. When the sugar/oil/vinegar mixture cools to

My Year In Gawker Hate Mail

I started working at in April of last year, and ever since, I’ve received a constant barrage of always


I’m a southerner. That was a perfectly executed “bless your heart,” 10/10 would bless.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

those bolds are all his. I wouldn’t presume to bold a man’s words with my Jane Popcorn keyboard, etc

And the fact the center “love story” of the show is not Jessica and Luke. but Jessica and Trish is beyond awesome.

Probably texting

Gee, it’s nice to know that to Gawker Media, we women folk are just here for celebrity gossip.

I have to disagree. In the context of the Westminster Dog Show or Miss America or a beauty pageant, her behavior might justify the label of “bitch.” However, she is not in a field where etiquette is rewarded. She is in mixed martial arts. The baseline in this sport is punching people in the face and attempting to

Out of curiosity, do you feel similarly about other cocky, shit-talking athletes like, say... Anderson Silva?